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ron G

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Everything posted by ron G

  1. Good ideas all. thank you!
  2. Have you ever entered a calculation and gotten the err message that ther are morre ) than( or more( than )? It seems that fm knows some pairs but is not able to know unpaired parenthesis. Monkeybread plug in offersa way to ‘see’ colored parenthesis pairs but at. $150, it is not pracical for me. ideas???
  3. Besides using the mbs plugin, is there any way to get fm (18) to indicate ‘paired’ parenthesis in the calculation engine? thanks ron
  4. Here is what I have discovered so far: Part of the problem is that Apple has removed the Gatekeeper option "Anywhere" in OSX v 10.12.5. If you want it back, open Terminal and type:
  5. I am running SM in Windows 10 using FM 16 Advanced. Like a lot of posters on this forum I had the <unknown> error; plus others. The solution to that problem is to open the SM .fmp12 file, locate the function and copy the code. Then, I went into my functions and located the same function (looked the same to me), deleted the existing code and repasted. It worked! Why? I have no idea. However, this plugin function will not work in runtime. FMaker has depricated runtime so it is, at this point, unsupported. SMaster is doing their best to see what the problem is but they can't call FMAKER so their efforts are limited. Note this: In the runtime, if I remove the plugin from the Extensions folder, my app runs normally and as expected. If I paste a copy of the plugin into the Extensions folder, the app will not start; it hangs. grrrrr So, there is my 2 cents....
  6. Version 5.03 (5/12/2017) * Fixed an issue that prevented plug-ins from loading in Windows Server 2012r2 * Fixed an incorrect licensing error when attempting to generate plugins with ScriptMaster Advanced Version 5.02 (5/11/2017) * No longer requires Java installation * Can use plugin functions as script steps with a user-friendly GUI for specifying parameters * Better error reporting in scripts * Compatible with FileMaker Cloud * Better compatibility with FileMaker Server for Perform Script on Server and scheduled scripts * Each plugin runs in a separate process, increasing reliability and stability * Plugins can be reliably unloaded, making it possible to auto-update without restarting FileMaker * Where appropriate, plugin parameters can be selected from pull-down lists and checkboxes * Support for streaming large container data, allowing unlimited amounts of data to be transferred between FileMaker and the plugin without running out of memory. * Compatible with the older plugin API, so you can continue to use your existing scripts and calculations with the new plugins. * Corrected URL for help button in plugin configuration dialog
  7. FYI.... Version 5.03 (5/12/2017) * Fixed an issue that prevented plug-ins from loading in Windows Server 2012r2 * Fixed an incorrect licensing error when attempting to generate plugins with ScriptMaster Advanced Version 5.02 (5/11/2017) * No longer requires Java installation * Can use plugin functions as script steps with a user-friendly GUI for specifying parameters * Better error reporting in scripts * Compatible with FileMaker Cloud * Better compatibility with FileMaker Server for Perform Script on Server and scheduled scripts * Each plugin runs in a separate process, increasing reliability and stability * Plugins can be reliably unloaded, making it possible to auto-update without restarting FileMaker * Where appropriate, plugin parameters can be selected from pull-down lists and checkboxes * Support for streaming large container data, allowing unlimited amounts of data to be transferred between FileMaker and the plugin without running out of memory. * Compatible with the older plugin API, so you can continue to use your existing scripts and calculations with the new plugins. * Corrected URL for help button in plugin configuration dialog
  8. I use Set Variable[$$FilePath; Value:SelectFile on my mac and everything seems to work. (Have not tested runtime yet) The same file in the same script produces an error in place of 'Value:SelectFile' on my Windows 10 PC. I think we are just going to have to wait for 360Works to fix it....
  9. All companies, including software companies either alpha and beta test in sufficient numbers to catch errors or they make their customers their beta testers. Having said that, I am willing to btest future versions. Do you know how I should proceed?
  10. I am not just a critic, I am willing to be a beta tester. Is that open to me?
  11. I have a WIndows 10 PC running FM 16 Advanced Yes, I have the same 'problem' I have a 'main' window upon which I have custom menus. But, when I run any of 25 different reports, I DO NOT WANT MENUS. So, Set Menus OFF on the report window. BUT, after I close the report window and return to the MAIN window, the menus that were previously ON are instead OFF. To top it all off, THERE ARE NO MENUS; not even the FM Menus. So, I have to invoke TASK Manager and kill FM so that I can start it up and get back into it. This begs the question: "Did Filemaker beta test 16 with developers before they released it?" Does anyone have a work around for this situation?
  12. try Briandunning.com Perhaps this: http://www.briandunning.com/cf/355
  13. I too have experienced 'weirdness' in portals. My best advice is to drag everything out of the portal and then replace it with a single field that is clearly within the portal's defined area. If that doesn't work, drag the content to the side, delete the portal, recreate the portal and drag the content back... Hope this helps R
  14. FileMaker will take care of the importing. You should use the ScriptMaster SELECTFILE Function: The 360Works instructions are complete but can seem obtuse at times. Just watch the video and 'mess with it' until it works. R
  15. I have developed a membership database and wrestled with the FM Import process. In my app, I use the ScriptMaster plugin : http://www.360works.com/scriptmaster/ It is priceless and works wonderfully (with single exception on a Mac) I have about 100 'sample' records and using the 'Import Previous Version' custom function, my users can always import the previous version of my app or revert to the sample data. I don't reset the serial numbers but instead just use the sn of the imported data. It seems to work. Hope this helps.
  16. ron G

    Only one row on portal

    Make sure your portal fields are 'completely with' the top portal row. Even a 1 pixel intrusion will cause this event.
  17. I just compiled my FM app in OSX :   Model Name:   iMac  Model Identifier:   iMac13,2  Processor Name:   Intel Core i7  Processor Speed:   3.4 GHz  Number of Processors:   1  Total Number of Cores:   4  L2 Cache (per Core):   256 KB  L3 Cache:   8 MB  Memory:   32 GB   After running a report, my custom menu turned totally grayed out.  I could not make any selection on any menu. So, I did a 'force quit' and restarted.  This time, everything worked as expected; and has consistently since that time. Does anyone have any idea what is going on? Thanks  Â
  18. My 'membership' app, is a stand alone app. Each time a user gets a new version, they run an import routine which brings their data into the new version. It is pretty straight forward and it works. If I ad a FK_Coach field I need to 'refresh' the Coach Popup to generate the 'new' FK_Coach field. Got any ideas? Thanks R
  19. I got it!   It seems counter intuitive but it works.  (I say 'counter intuitive' because I can not express a narrative of what is going on... Can you help with this?)  I changed the relationship to include separate TO's :  (Yes, I should have a FK_Coach but I am on version 2.48 and there are hundreds of users (my app is 'freeware') so perhaps I could create a calculated FK?   In any event, your suggestion works ... Thank you very much...  ron  Â
  20. OlgerDiekstra: I think you understand the problem. And I appreciate your answer. Concerning the relationship: Members: Candidates: PKMemID --->> FKMemID Name CoachName (CoachName is a popup of the Members::Name) ActiveInactive I am unable to put the Members::ActiveInactive field in the SubSummary 'band' and have it show the values for the CoachName in the corresponding Members::ActiveInactive. Instead the report shows the Members::ActiveInactive value for the first Members::Name in the BODY of the report. Huh?
  21. Yes. It is confusing. And I think most of that confusion springs from my 'ancient' decision to separate the Members and Candidates tables. ugh That being said.... The Candidates::Coach field is filled with a popup of the Members::Name field. The sub-summary field is Candidates::Coach and the Body is the Members::Name I find if I do a 'find' on Members::ActiveInactive="Inactive" it finds all the Members::Name Fields who are "Inactive". I need a method to take the Candidates::Coach field (which is a name in Members::Name), lookup that name and return it's Active/Inactive status. Could is simply be that the addition of a lookup field in the Candidates table would do it? ....hmmm Your thoughts?
  22. Right. The data describing the candidate goes into the body part of the layout, and the (related) data describing the coach goes into a leading sub-summary (when sorted by Candidates::Coach) part. This is what I have done. And, it seems to work. However, each Candidate::Coach (Sub-Summary) has, in the (Body) MEMBERS:: table a field called Members::ACTIVEInactive; which holds their membership status. (Candidates and Members) If I FIND Members::ActiveInactive="Inactive" FM looks at the top most Member::Name and uses that ActiveInactive field value. It does NOT look at the Sub-summary field (Candidate::Coach). I suspect I should put the ActiveInactive field in Candidates. But the ramifications of moving a field make my head hurt. 8-) So, I am looking at ExecuteSQL as a solution but I have zero experience with that command but am attracted
  23.  I have a membership application.  (Let me put up front, that I have been developing this app for several years and initially I made a mistake in the design by separating my Candidates table from my Members table... too late now)  Each candidate has a member that 'coaches' him.  This name is put in the Candidates::Coach field.  It is a popup that get's it's value list from Members::cLast_First_MI.  This works well.  The table structure is: Candidates::KF>--------------Members::KP  I have a report that sub summaries all the 'Coaches' and shows all their 'Candidates' (The layout/report doesn't change if it is based on Members or Candidates.)   The problem is that if I put the field Members::ACTIVEInactive on the sub summary, it always shows the ActiveInactive status of the top most Candidate.  I want it to show the ActiveInactive status of the Coach  (whose name is located in the Member table).  Do I need to do a lookup?  Is there an ExecuteSQL solution ?  Thanks  Ron  Â
  24. File Name: Ron Exner File Submitter: ron G File Submitted: 30 Jan 2015 File Category: Solutions FM Version: 13 Zip code table for the U.S. including Puerto Rico. Jan 30, 2015 Click here to download this file
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