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When you need a robot and you have to test the connection

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When i use a local robot to create pdf files or other, i have a problem when the connection go down, filemaker loose every reference to the remote file.

The only way is to close the file and open again, i solved this problem on Mac using this apple script.

1)  The AS check the connection if ok open the file.

2)  If the connection go down then the AS close the file and wait until the connection is up, at that time it reopen the file.

3) if you close the file then the applescript quit it self. 

I am not a Apple script developer, i assembled it using few examples, then probably  isn't well done but it work.


tell application "Finder" to set ThePath to POSIX path of ((container of (path to me)) as alias)

set VarRepeat to "Yes"

tell application id "com.filemaker.client.advanced12"



        set window_name to the name of every window whose visible is true

    on error

        set window_name to "Error"

    end try

end tell




    set testIP to chkUP("http://www.apple.com") or chkUP("http://www.google.com")


    if testIP as text = "False" and window_name contains "Robot" then

        tell application "System Events"


            set {procesList, pidList} to the {name, unix id} of (every process whose name contains "Filemaker Pro")

        end tell

        delay 5

        set VarLoop to "OK"


            --tell application "FileMaker Pro Advanced" to close every window

            --on error

            do shell script "kill -KILL " & pidList as text

            set window_name to "Error"

            set VarRepeat to "Yes"

        end try



    end if




    if testIP as text = "True" then


            tell application id "com.filemaker.client.advanced12"


                delay 5

                set window_name to the name of every window whose visible is true

            end tell

        on error

            set window_name to "Error"

        end try

        --display dialog testIP as text


        if testIP as text = "True" and window_name contains "Error" and VarRepeat = "Yes" then


            tell application id "com.filemaker.client.advanced12"



                    open ThePath & "Robot.fmp12"

                    set window_name to "Robot"

                    set VarRepeat to "No"

                on error


                end try

            end tell


        end if

    end if


    --with timeout of 60 * 60 * 24 seconds

    delay 5

    if VarRepeat = "No" and window_name contains "Error" then quit

end repeat

to chkUP(theURL)

    return (count (get ((theURL as URL)'s host & {dotted decimal form:""})'s dotted decimal form)) > 0

end chkUP

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