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I have a db with a simple yes/no check box in every record.

What i would like is for each new record, the check box defaults to no.

I would be gratefull of any help


Hi Transit,

You can save a bit of resources by ignoring the 'N' value altogether. In fact, a Value List with only one value of '1' and a blank is a true boolean. And as pointed out, a radio button will protect you from a User checking both values - been there, done it! smile.gif

As you've probably already figured out, you can use auto-enter 'data' for your 'N' value, or a '0' value but, again, it's not necessary and just adds to your file size. Just a thought!




LaRetta said:

And as pointed out, a radio button will protect you from a User checking both values - been there, done it!

Don't want to see anyone missed led here, you can select multipal values with radio buttons by holding down the Shift Key.



I agree with Dan, LaRetta and Lee.


wow there was more to this than I thought!

I will have a go at what you say and see what adventures that leads me to.

Many thanks


Lee wrote:

"... you can select multipal values with radio buttons by holding down the Shift Key."

Not if you dis-allow entry into the field and use a script to set (toggle) the values. It'll also require removing the field from the tab order to prevent users from entering data without clicking on the field.


If you disallow entry, tabbing is disabled as well. So no need to mess with the tab order. cool.gif


I've got a better idea. Let's just leave them off of the layout all together.



Lee Smith said ...

Let's just leave them off of the layout all together.

Actually, I do just that. FM's checkboxes and radio buttons are the ugliest things I've seen (at least on Windows). I won't ever use them. I prefer container calcs.

I've seen so many ways to address the issues of checkboxes and radio buttons and several different toggle scripts. Field should be number and my favourite toggle, adapted from one of the thousands of posts by Ray (CobaltSky) is:

Set Field [ checkbox, Abs(checkbox - 1) ]

I sure hope FM improves their checkboxes and radio buttons - I could do a better job with an etch-a-sketch! Yuk!! tongue.gif



Set Field [ checkbox, Abs(checkbox - 1) ]

That's a nice one. I like Set Field [ checkbox, not checkbox = 1 ], as well.



If you use a radio button but don't use a script to toggle the field then you will need to consider two additional things:

1) You will need two values in your Value List (0 & 1) instead of just a '1' as I indicated for a checkbox, because you can't click a radio button again to deselect it without using [shift]. Of course you could always include a comment by each radio button telling the User to use [shift] to deselect but I think that's a bit tacky.

2) If not using a script, you can also prohibit [shift] entering two values by using Validation by Calculation on your radio button field (in Define Fields), as follows:

not PatternCount( RadioButtonField, "


-Queue- said:

That's a nice one. I like Set Field [ checkbox, not checkbox = 1 ], as well.

or Set Field [ checkbox, 1 - checkbox ]

filemaker is always flexible! wink.gif

This topic is 7883 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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