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i Have designed a database for a friend who runs a small computer shop, it is for him to use to enter customer names adresses and the fault, solution, parts and price. he wants a box or button that will allow him to see if that customer has been in before and their previous faults. i have found a medical template the uses this but it is loocked so i can not see how it is done. any help would be gratefully appreciated

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Can you set up one of the fields (perhaps phone number) as to not allow duplicates?

That way, if the user enters a phone number that is already in there, it will beep at the user and provide a clue that this customer already exists.

And if the customer already exists, you can do a portal for all their transactions.

BTW- do you have a structure of the database? The clients should be in a separate table from their transactions.

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This topic is 6214 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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