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Character encoding and sending data to FileMaker issue...

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I'm currently working through the admin section I talked about in my other thread and I'm having some encoding problems. I'm french canadians so I'm gonna have to use characters like é and à. FireFox can insert the characters without any problems. IE fails and doesn't insert anything. If I utf8_encode() my string, it works in flawlessly in IE but FireFox changes the characters to some other form of encoding, like é becomes é.

Right now I use an IF that detects IE and UTF8_encode the string if it's IE, but it would be better to work without that.

Changing the website's charset to ISO-8859-1 or UTF-8 doesn't seem to have any effect.

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One of your countrymen ran up against a similar problem. http://fmforums.com/forum/showtopic.php?tid/201486/

Hopefully he will respond as well, but from what he wrote it sounds like it's a problem with the web server not knowing what do do with the characters. At any rate you might try adding the meta tag. Playing around with the encodetype parameter of the form tag might help as well.

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