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How to call a basic hello world filemakescript from PHP

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Trying to run a `hello world` filemaker script using the PHP API. Getting field not found error (105). Doesn't seem to matter if I call a script that exists or not. Any ideas on how to get a basic script working?

Big picture goal is to pass a parameter, do a commit records request and get a return value but first things first, need to execute any script. Sample code below.




$script_name = "Hello World";
$layout_name = ""; // why does it need a layout?

//when specifying a valid layout name, get error 3 - Command is unavailable (for example, wrong operating system, wrong mode, etc.)

$parameters = null; // basic, matches API code


$newPerformScript =& $fm->newPerformScriptCommand($layout_name, $script_name, $parameters);
$result = $newPerformScript->execute();
var_dump($result); die;


Script Name: Hello World
Send Event["aevt"; "odoc"; "success or failure message"]
Open Url["google.com"]
Exit Application

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You haven't accessed the database with your PHP script ($fm is undefined in your script):

define('FM_HOST', '');     //Actual IP address or domain name here
define('FM_FILE', 'YourFileName'); //Actual file name here
define('FM_USER', 'ValidFMAccount');   // Actual account name here
define('FM_PASS', 'ValidUserPassword');  // Actual password for above account here
require_once('Filemaker.php'); //  Be sure to use actual path to Filemaker.php
$fm = new FileMaker(FM_FILE, FM_HOST, FM_USER, FM_PASS);
//  The following code checks that we are connected to the database
//  and if we are not, goes to an error page where a message would be displayed.
$accessed = $fm->listLayouts();



The easiest way to do this is to put the above code in an include script and call it at the beginning of your PHP code.


A layout name is required because the API is layout-based. (Your script may be dependent on a specific TO, so you have to be in a layout based on that TO).  Although it is irrelevant in this example, a layout name is still required.


Your OpenURL step requires the whole URL (http://www.google.com)


EDIT:  Make sure that PHP access is allowed for the account name you specify in the PHP script.

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