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Related Records Issue


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I have a DB I'm working on and I'm stuck on something that I think will be pretty simple but I cant seem to get my head around it.

Its for a school, so you have courses,locations,students etc.

Students can take many courses at many locations.

So I have a course layout, with a portal to the participants. This works well apart from I cannot get to open the related record from the portal without it showing me all of the records relating to the student in question. I need to create and reprint a certificate for each student \ course. I have created a button on the portal row to open another related layout up (the cert) to allow them to be printed or emailed, but it always shows me all of the course certificates for the student in question. I have another button on the form for printing all of the certificates for that particular course and that works fine.

I had setup some scripts (shown below) but have gone back to a simple related record button to see if I can figure out whats wrong, I have tried all sorts of changes for hours! and I'm getting no where, any help would be greatly appreciated :)


edit: Also I realise it shows in the script "records being browsed" but I also did try current record only. Being playing around :)





cert layout.PNG

email script.PNG


Portal row buttons.PNG

portal row.PNG


Edited by Ana606
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It's not an uncommon error. Go to Related Record[] will take you to *all* the related records for the current record. The checkbox option expands this to taking you to *all* the related records for *all* the records. Personally, I think GTRR[] is more trouble than it's worth.

If you want to isolate a single related record, your best choice is to pass the unique primary ID of that related record as a parameter through the button. Then take that parameter (using Get ( ScriptParameter ) ) and do a find on your certificate layout to isolate the record.

Also, your screenshots are a little confusing. Shouldn't the Certificate layout referenced in your "Email certificate" be based on Join Contacts Events table?

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Thanks a lot David, makes perfect sense.

I thought it would be something like that and yes you are correct the layout is based on that.

I have never passed a parameter through so having a look at that now.

Thanks again

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This works well apart from I cannot get to open the related record from the portal without it showing me all of the records relating to the student in question.

Why exactly is this a problem? The selected portal row becomes the current record and you can do whatever you want with it.

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