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FM12 Maps Solution?


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Hi Guys,

Firstly I am using FM Pro 12, my company needs to utilise a map system, we work in the vehicle industry, and we would like a map system to show all available garages (which we will plot ourselves on the map) in a customers post code (UK) range.

I have tried using the web viewer and the built in UK Google Maps system, however I find it very limiting in what our staff can do. I have seen a host of different open source solutions, such as FMEasyMaps etc, but they all seem to be for FM 13, not FM 12 like we are using.

Any help / advice / suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the reply dude, but yeah I actually downloaded and tried to run it in my database and FM gives the error that it was built on a newer system & to upgrade to 13 in order to use.

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This topic is 3081 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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