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Let's Discuss: A Better Way to Collaborate on Revisions/Updates

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I've just been thinking about how we can better collaborate on making changes and updates to FMEasySync. Dan Smith's forked copy seems like the starting place: https://github.com/dansmith65/FileMaker-EasySync

This is great, but filemaker doesn't lend itself well to code-sharing/github. Someone would have to make the change and adjust the entire file versus updating a script and using a pull request to merge the new script. 

One thought I had was to break out all of the separate scripts in the mobile and hosted file on git hub into text. That way we can see and talk about the changes and look directly at the scripts. together. This become more transparent this way. The issue with this is merging/updating the scripts in the FMP files. Does anyone have a good method for doing this? Can we copy and paste directly? Or some kind of plugin that would make this easier? Maybe we can even automate it?

Another thought was someone graciously keeping a copy up on their filemaker server that would serve as a live/most current version that we could update and copy and paste scripts in and out of. I could see a lot of issues here, but a thought.

Anyway, let's discuss.

Edited by GisMo
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Hey Wim,

That looks neat!...I could use that, but I'm mostly on Windows. Also, it's not freeware, so that might be an issue for the collaborators.

Maybe we can find something useful in the Base Elements plugin?

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filemaker doesn't lend itself well to code-sharing/github.

I think this is the key issue, and I don't think any amount of ingenuity on the developers part can have the imact I'd like to see in this area. I think this is up to FileMaker to implement a method of merging changes, like can already be done with text files and Git.


One thought I had was to break out all of the separate scripts in the mobile and hosted file on git hub into text.

That's been done from the start of the repo! Check out the fmp_text folder. I created a DDR and processed it by fmpvc on most commits. That allows you to compare any two commits on GitHub and see what was changed. Here is an example showing my last commit to the dev branch: https://github.com/dansmith65/FileMaker-EasySync/compare/dev%5E1...dev

If you wanted to contribute code to the repo, I'd consider that, but we would have to co-ordinate our efforts. Basically, I would have to stop making changes on the files, while you are making changes, then I'd have to pull your stuff into the repo before I can start work on it again. Like I said, I'm open to that option if you want, just send me an email/pm and we'll discuss it. I haven't been working on EasySync lately, anyways.

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