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Quick Quesstion, I have a number that I want to be formatted automatically upon entry to keep everything the same. The number is 11 characters and broken up as 2,3,3,3 or eg 11 111 111 111. Now I have used a calculation 

@NumbersOnly = Filter(Self; "0123456789");


Length(@NumbersOnly) = 10;


Left (@NumbersOnly; 2) &")"& "" &" "&

Middle(@NumbersOnly;3;4) & "-" &

Right (@NumbersOnly;4)


to format a phone number specifically and that is fine. But for the love of Mike how would I break up thea bove example to the 11 111 111 111 format when enterd as 11111111111

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Here's one way:

Let (
digits = Filter ( Self ; "0123456789" )
Left ( digits ; 2 ) & " " & Middle ( digits ; 3 ; 3 ) & " " & Middle ( digits ; 6 ; 3 ) & " " & Right  ( digits ; 3 )

Here's another:

Let (
digits = Filter ( Self ; "0123456789" ) 
Replace ( Replace (  Replace ( 
digits ; 
9 ; 0 ; " " ) ;
6 ; 0 ; " " ) ;
3 ; 0 ; " " )

I did not test for length, because you didn't say what should be done when the test fails. In your example, the entry would have been erased - which is kind of cruel to the user.

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Thanks Comment, I have a cruel streak :) Not really! I hadn't Picked up on that so will look but I will try your suggestion. I guess I wasn't sure how to deal with the 2 middle arguments. I wasnt sure if you could only have 1 instance but from your suggestion it appears that you can "nest" them for want of a better word. Thanks for your help as usual always prompt.

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You can concatenate as many Middle() function calls as you need. The name Middle does not refer to your calculation; it refers to the string from which the function will extract a "middle" part  (unlike the Left() or Right() functions, which will only extract a part from one of the string's ends).


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10 hours ago, comment said:

Here's another:

Let (
digits = Filter ( Self ; "0123456789" ) 
Replace ( Replace (  Replace ( 
digits ; 
9 ; 0 ; " " ) ;
6 ; 0 ; " " ) ;
3 ; 0 ; " " )


Nice use of Replace()  !!!!  :-)

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This topic is 3026 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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