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  • Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions

    By Steven H. Blackwell

    Hacking Your Own FileMaker Platform Solutions Should FileMaker Platform developers mount hacking attacks on their own solutions? At first glance, this may seem an odd question. But I believe that the answer is “Yes, we should.” Consider this. As developers we see our solutions from a totally different perspective than Threat Agents see them. Without practicing our own hacking skills, we can become blind to the vulnerabilities a Threat Agent can exploit to compromise the Confidentiality
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  • Josh Ormond

    A Conversation About '2 Factor Authentication'

    By Josh Ormond

    [ Edit: 3/16/2016 - With the help of some other people, we have been able to recover, or recreate some of the original images from original thread. ] Security is always a big topic when it involves data, or people, or possessions. Recently, over on the FileMaker Community, there was a very beneficial discussion regarding security. Unfortunately, that discussion was the victim of a necessary action...and was deleted. It was deleted, because the discussion was tied to a video that, as was det
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Permissive Versus Restrictive Privileges In FileMaker Pro Databases

Permissive Versus Restrictive Privileges In FileMaker Pro Databases —By— Steven H. Blackwell April 25th 2011 In older versions of FileMaker Pro, those prior to FileMaker® Pro 7, privileges were, by default, permissive. This means that users were allowed to perform all actions by default. With the introduction of the modern versions of the FileMaker Family of Products, with their appropriate focus and attention to industry standards in the security realm, the default privile

Steven H. Blackwell

Steven H. Blackwell

Suppressing Self-Referencing Auto Enter Fields

Using an auto-enter calculation on a field is a great way to populate its contents when other fields are modified, including itself. But what do you do if you want to use a calculation that references itself without having it trigger its own auto-enter calculation? The answer lies in thinking outside the calculation.... Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

SMTP & Gmail

Sometimes someone else posts the definitive piece. Read this blog post by Lee Lukeheart, founder of Savvy Data, for the skinny on Filemaker and Gmail. <a href="http://wingforward.net/smtp-gmail" rel='nofollow external'>Source</a>

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Generating Sample Data for Testing

Throughout the process of developing a solution, testing each aspect of your file is vital. For me, the problem I always used to run into, was generating enough sample data to properly test my scripts, calculations and performance. Well, that was until I found Fake Name Generator. ...Read Full Article Here

Josh Ormond

Josh Ormond

Pre-fill new fields with related data, quickly

Sometimes you need to add a field to an existing database that should have values for all the already existing records in the table. Say you’ve added a new field on an existing database. It’s not a calc field, but will have an auto-entered calculation field that will always be filled out. For example, in the table People you add a field called “Full Name”. It’s a combination of First Name and Last Name fields which are in the same table. = First Name & “ “ & Last Name. You want users

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Pre-fill new fields with related data, quickly

Sometimes you need to add a field to an existing database that should have values for all the already existing records in the table. Say you’ve added a new field on an existing database. It’s not a calc field, but will have an auto-entered calculation field that will always be filled out. For example, in the table People you add a field called “Full Name”. It’s a combination of First Name and Last Name fields which are in the same table. = First Name & “ “ & Last Name. You want user

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Pre-fill new fields with related data, quickly

Sometimes you need to add a field to an existing database that should have values for all the already existing records in the table. Say you’ve added a new field on an existing database. It’s not a calc field, but will have an auto-entered calculation field that will always be filled out. For example, in the table People you add a field called “Full Name”. It’s a combination of First Name and Last Name fields which are in the same table. = First Name & “ “ & Last Name. You want user

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

"As You Type" Window Naming and Selection

In applications such as Mail, you may notice that window names can be dynamic, dependent upon the contents of a field. In the case of Mail, the subject dictates the window name. In this article I'll demonstrate a way this can be replicated for FileMaker, and more importantly, how these dynamic windows can easily be selected again once created… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Thinking Outside the Loop

If you have spent any time developing in FileMaker, or programming in almost any language, you will be familiar with the concept of a loop. When scripting your loops you probably have a favorite method that you use. This article presents and compares a number of looping techniques that can be used in FileMaker in an attempt to locate the fastest method… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Cloud Computing, Remote Hosting And FileMaker Pro Databases

Welcome to the first posting to my new FileMaker Security blog. From time to time, I’ll be discussing issues of significance and importance related to FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Server security. In all these discussions I will keep foremost the concept that security is supposed to be focused on the preservation of the Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability (CIA) of digital assets, and sometime of physical ones. This first posting will focus on issues related to cloud computing secu

Steven H. Blackwell

Steven H. Blackwell

A Lightweight Cross-Tabular Data Entry Method

One of the shortcomings of FileMaker is its inability achieve easy cross-tabular reports and data entry in a normalized structure. There are various techniques to replicate cross-tabular interfaces, but they often involve many relationships for either the columns/rows, or are for display only. The goal of this article is to present a lightweight method for cross-tabular data entry using as few relationships & fields as possible. Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Quick Tips: Commenting your Value Lists

Pretty much everything in FileMaker comes with some form of comment box to let you add more information - such as fields, menus, custom functions, calculations, scripts, and the graph. However the one area lacking in a comment box is value lists, unless that is, you think a little outside of the box… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Ditch those Flush Caches, Use Cartesian Join Instead!

All too often, the Refresh Window script step is used with the 'Flush Cached Join Results' option checked. Sometimes this is through lack of understanding, but other times it is required to refresh those pesky relationships which have trouble re-evaluating. This article explains why Flush Cache can be detrimental on performance, and offers an alternative and more efficient method for refreshing relationships… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Quick Checkbox Selection of Portal Records for Users

There are many ways in which users can select records, so that each user can keep their own unique selection. This particular method uses a portal showing related records as a selection tool. The main technique involves using a value list & checkbox to easily achieve selection with no scripting required… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

The Case of the Disappearing Sub-Summary

Recently I was working on building a large layout which is used for both printing and data-entry. One of the requirements was I needed to show a lot of "private" information that the data-entry person needed to see, but was not to be printed. The issue was solved using a very cool property of sub-summary parts… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

Make a new plan, Stan.

or even use an old one… just HAVE a plan, and STICK to it. A few thoughts for the next time we make a brand new database: We should set some strict naming and formatting conventions so that all the names used for tables, field, layouts and scripts use the same rules, allowing us to construct references based on variables and knowledge of our naming conventions. I suppose there still remains the problem of what happens if we change some names… but maybe we could use one login to set up names of s

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Make a new plan, Stan.

or even use an old one… just HAVE a plan, and STICK to it. A few thoughts for the next time we make a brand new database: We should set some strict naming and formatting conventions so that all the names used for tables, field, layouts and scripts use the same rules, allowing us to construct references based on variables and knowledge of our naming conventions. I suppose there still remains the problem of what happens if we change some names… but maybe we could use one login to set up names of

David Jondreau

David Jondreau

Creating Tidy Popup Windows

Using Popup windows is common FileMaker technique for showing more information, managing dialogs, and running wizards to name a few. However, all to often little care is given to the aesthetics of creating and positioning a popup, leading to an unpolished and half-finished feel. This article gives some pointers on how you can create popups that are clean, efficient, and correctly positioned… Read the Full Article Here…

Daniel Wood

Daniel Wood

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