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Everything posted by JerrySalem

  1. I believe FMI might have some other way to recover damaged files. The one time I needed to use that 'feature' (a couple years ago), they said it would take weeks to recover our data. This was not an option for me at the time, so we rolled back to the last good file.
  2. What is the point of get(CacheFilePath) and get(CacheFileName) functions? Is there utility in reading these files? Are we going to have to monitor their size and manually flush cache files in a future version? TIA Jerry
  3. Thanks Ryan. When I checked the next day, the issue seems to resolve itself. I didn't even touch the server. Go figure! Jerry
  4. I have the 360email plugin installed on our Server (FMS19.3.2) and it has been working fine for months. (Previous versions working for years!) Starting Saturday just before 1AM the plugin Failed to load on the server. AFAIK we are up to date with licensing and nothing has changed on the server (OS updates FMS Updates) this week. Here is part of the log file. Any ideas? TIA Jerry Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailReadMessages Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailAttachFile Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step IsValidEmail Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailRegister Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailReadMessageValue Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step IsValidEmail Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailMoveCurrentMessage Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailDisconnect Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailBCCRecipients Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailLastError Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailInboundIsConnected Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailMoveCurrentMessage Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailCreate Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailVersion Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailRecipients Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Unregistering plug-in script step EmailSend Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Starting shutdown of JVM child process Nov 05, 2021 4:11:40 PM com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild run INFO: Shutting down session 2 on thread Message dispatch thread for parent thread: 6900 Nov 05, 2021 4:11:40 PM com.prosc.fmkit.PluginBridge2 onSessionEnd INFO: No plugin instance existed for sessionId 2 Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild run INFO: Shutting down plug-in 3MLR on thread Message dispatch thread for parent thread: 5836 Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild run INFO: Shutting down plug-in 3MLR on thread Message dispatch thread for parent thread: 5836 ID: 14 / state: RUNNABLE / name: PluginBridge worker-1-thread-1 sun.management.ThreadImpl.dumpThreads0(Native Method) sun.management.ThreadImpl.dumpAllThreads(ThreadImpl.java:454) com.prosc.infrastructure.LogUtils.dumpThreadStackTrace(LogUtils.java:344) com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild.lambda$doShutdown$5(PipeChild.java:213) com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild$$Lambda$12/1187726406.run(Unknown Source) java.util.concurrent.Executors$RunnableAdapter.call(Executors.java:511) java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:266) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) ID: 13 / state: RUNNABLE / name: DestroyJavaVM ID: 12 / state: WAITING / name: Message dispatch thread java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502) com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild.run(PipeChild.java:122) com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild.access$100(PipeChild.java:21) com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild$2.run(PipeChild.java:98) ID: 5 / state: RUNNABLE / name: Attach Listener ID: 4 / state: RUNNABLE / name: Signal Dispatcher ID: 3 / state: WAITING / name: Finalizer java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:143) java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue.remove(ReferenceQueue.java:164) java.lang.ref.Finalizer$FinalizerThread.run(Finalizer.java:209) ID: 2 / state: WAITING / name: Reference Handler java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method) java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:502) java.lang.ref.Reference.tryHandlePending(Reference.java:191) java.lang.ref.Reference$ReferenceHandler.run(Reference.java:153) Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild lambda$doShutdown$5 INFO: End of PipeChild run loop Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild lambda$doShutdown$5 INFO: End of PipeChild run loop Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PluginBridge2 fmxShutdown INFO: About to shut down allPlugins Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PluginBridge2 fmxShutdown INFO: Pop all plugin contexts Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PluginBridge2 fmxShutdown INFO: PluginBridge2 shutdown finished Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM com.prosc.fmkit.PipeChild sendMessage INFO: Sending message to parent: finished, parent thread ID 5836 from thread PluginBridge worker-1-thread-1 Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Finished shutdown of JVM child process in 195 ms with result of 0 Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> WARNING: [C++] JVM shutdown succeeded Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Process with ID 6580 exited cleanly Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Terminating logging thread... Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> WARNING: [C++] An error occurred getting a log statement: An error occurred while reading byte from log statement: The pipe has been ended. Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Finished stderr logging Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Thread successfully terminated Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Closing pipes Nov 06, 2021 12:18:48 AM C++ <Native> INFO: [C++] Shutdown of 360Works Email complete in 398 ms
  5. FYI I have an FMS19.3.2 install, and get the same thing. For this install, WebDirect is running fine, and I don't need any of the options in CWPConfig. So I have never needed to use that CLI command.
  6. my bet would be to re install FMS on the worker. Jerry
  7. I up dated a server on Monday to FMS19.1 After that WebDirect stopped responding every 2-3 hours while people were using it. This solution only sends 1 type of email using WebD. I downgraded that email from 360email to simple FIleMaker Native email. Since then I only had one issue, there might be other places WebD people are calling 360email. Anyone else having problems with 360Works and WebD? Jerry
  8. Do you have any external File References?
  9. the $path variable should be; get(temporaryPath) & "Name.PDF" you need to specify the name of the file (it can be a calculation too) Try that. Jerry
  10. Ryan I thought that was the issue. However (I believe) you can only have one email in the FROM section. So the plugin doesn't need to check for commas there.
  11. Using emailCreate you can specify the from address for a new message. The online manual says; the FROM address for the new message. Use "Name <you@domain.com>" for displaying the name instead. This works fine for 'Jerry Salem <jerrysalem@mac.com>' However if I use this; 'Salem, Jerry <jerrysalem@mac.com>' I get an error. Other than removing the comma are there any work arounds?
  12. I find that in general layouts designed for GO or WebD always look fine on the desktop (not always true the the other way around!) My default design paradigm is to always use the Touch themes even for desktop layouts. This keeps the layout duplication to a minimum. Keep in mind there are aways exceptions where you will have to have duplicate layouts for Go and Desktop based on other demands (or workflow).
  13. I have been using the email plugin more or less successfully over the last couple months. Last night I ran a script that looped threw 50 records and sent an email to each one. The script I was using has worked flawlessly in the past for a singe record. The script is called as a PSOS. After about 5 emails the scripting engine appeared to hang, and left the remaining 45 or so scripts on the server. I needed to restart the FileMaker scripting engine. Has anyone else seen this behavior, where calling the plugin multiple times would cause the Scripting Engine to hang? Jerry
  14. Hey I am using 360works plugins in server side scripts. Also they are used by WebDirect. On my server, the plugins have created a log folder along with two log files (360Plugins_Server.log and 360Plugins_Web64.log) The Server log has grown substantially and is now about 300Mb (I have seen it get to 600MB) I am trying to rename the log files to off load them. Smaller files are easier to open and move around. When I try to rename or move them I get an error saying the file is open in Java. I have tried restarting the scripting engine, and also unchecking the enable button for the plugin in the Admin Console, but still get the same error. How can i remove, or rename the log file with minimal interruption to my users? TIA Jerry
  15. you can create a shortcut to open your database directly. I wrote this post an eternity ago, but it still is relevant (you will need to change the protocol from fmp7 to fmp) https://phillyfilemaker.wordpress.com/2009/04/27/tips-and-tricks-open-a-filemaker-database-using-a-hyperlink/ This will bypass the Launch Center, but not delete it. Jerry
  16. Brent On the web site 3.05 is still the current version. Can you confirm what version you are talking about? Jerry
  17. I have narrowed this issue down to a problem when running the plugin in a PSOS environment. I see that the last update addressed at least some issue when running this plugin on the server. Perhaps there are still some issues. I have submitted a ticket but as of yet haven't heard back. Jerry
  18. Guys I have been using 360email successfully for a couple weeks now. The plugin is used to send emails from the server. The script that calls it registers the plugin (already installed on the server), creates an email and sends it (SMTP). Last week I started to get the error string 'License string is empty' after the sendmail plugin call. The error comes up occasionally, not all the time. any ideas? (FMS16 on AWS, users are mostly WebD) TIA Jerry
  19. I am trying to do this same task. Using the new Plugin script steps, I can only set two flags. I am getting around that by doing it 'old school' and setting a variable to EmailReadMessages( "mailbox=Sent" ; "viewed=false" ; "readonly=false"). Is there a way to use the script step and do this? Also; this seems like it will not the right way to do it. I really don't want to set ALL of the messages as read. Only the one current message should be set to read. Is there a way I can do this? TIA Jerry
  20. We just moved to a new server running FMS16. Windows, hosted on AWS. I installed the email plugin (v3.04) on the server and enabled it. It works fine when using FileMaker client running locally. When I try to run use the plugin either in a PSOS script or from WebD (local or PSOS) it hangs the server. I have verified that Java 8 v131 is installed on the server, the plugin is installed and enabled on the server. If I show a dialog with get(installedFMPlugins) it shows 360Works email v3.04 is installed and enabled. The script with the plugin fails right at the first step (registration) or if I remove that at the Connect step. I know this isn't a lot of info to go on, but anyone have any ideas? Hopefully, Jerry
  21. Yikes! that is a long time. Is that on the server or exporting to a local file? Are you including summary fields or related data in the export? Jerry
  22. Wim I think you missed the point of the post. Has anyone else seen slowdown in Finding/Exporting from PSOS scripts in FMS15?
  23. I have a system being hosted using FMS14. I also have a duplicate database hosted for testing/exporting using FMS15. PSOS is much slower in my hands with FMS15. Both servers are physical boxes, with similar (maybe identical) specs (Cores, RAM HD Space, HD Space available) I also have a Server Side script that creates a found set, exports data to excel and emails it to a user. (This is based on https://www.skeletonkey.com/restoring-filemaker-clients-found-set-within-server-side-script/). The exports have a couple of related fields, but no unstirred calculations. Using FMS14 this has been working just fine. Using FMS15 it has been significantly slower. As a test, I exported 13,000 records from both FMS14 and FMS15. Using FMS14, it takes about 10 Seconds to recreate the found set, then 70 Seconds to create the export. Using FMS15, it takes about 20 Seconds to recreate the (same) found set, then 175 Seconds to export the data. In another series of tests, this time exporting 30,000 records (more realistic in my scenario) I found; Using FMS14, it takes about 25 Seconds to recreate the found set, then 168 Seconds to create the export. (2.5x longer to find/2x longer to export 3x records) Using FMS15, it takes about 90 Seconds to recreate the (same) found set, then 825 Seconds to export the data. 9x longer to find/11x longer to export 3x records) In the last series of tests, this time exporting 50,000 records I found; Using FMS14, it takes about 59 Seconds to recreate the found set, then 262 Seconds to create the export. (6x longer to find/4x longer to export 5x records) Using FMS15, it takes about 160 Seconds to recreate the (same) found set, then 1700 Seconds to export the data.(16x to find/24x to export 5x records) Any ideas? Anyone see similar results with PSOS on FMS15? Again, the machines are identical, the databases are identical and the scripts are identical. the only difference is FMS14 vs. FMS15. I am also letting another user pull data using ODBC. That has also gotten extremely slow using FMS15, but that is a discussion for another thread. I am not using WebD on this server. In general the FMS15 database performs find using FMP Clients. But the FMS15 functions are not very impressive. I am petrified to move my production database to FMS15, and even considering moving the test server back to FMS14. Help! TIA Jerry
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