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MirrorSync3 and SSL

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Hi all

We have discovered a possible issue with the Admin/Config app. We'd appreciate your thoughts.

We turned on SSL by checking the SSL box in the enclosed screenshot. When attempting a sync the client received "The MirrorSync URL returned an unexpected response. Check your URL, verify that the server is running properly, and try again. Address: https://mirrorsync3.oda.state.or.us/MirrorSync/sync". So we went thru the config again and found the SSL box unchecked. We cannot get the SSL checkbox to stay checked.

We did modify the MirrorSync Customization script to set the $$MIRRORSYNC_URL with https and that worked. We are however, wondering if there is something awry with our install or this specific Configuration.

We are running MirrorSync 3.1.

Thanks, Mark


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Hi Mark, thanks for reporting this. I did verify that the SSL connection setting was not 'sticking' when the configuration was edited. This should fix that. It should also fix the IndexOutOfBounds error that you reported earlier.

http://s3-external-1.amazonaws.com/com.prosc.support.uploads/Outbound/360Works MirrorSync 3.1007.zip?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIDQUCQL7APZLJCDA&Expires=1479064850&Signature=naP4DzZqOVqLWwdrjjtmKZPqwOo%3D

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This topic is 2842 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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