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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Display same records more than once on sub summary


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My title may be ambiguous so I'll explain what I need to do.

I have a found set of say, 18 records.  Each record has a field on it which I use to sort against, in fact, there are a couple of fields, so the sort order is typically Field1, Field2, Field3 etc.

I have a summary calculation returning values on a sub summary part and this is all well and good.  I've removed the body part as I usually don't need it for the types of reports I do.

The layout is pretty simple:

SubSummary Part1 - includes fields Description, sCalculation

What I need to do now is repeat the above, looping through and displaying each record twice in separate areas of the report, so that my report looks like:

SubSummary Part1 - includes fields, Description, sCalcuation

SubSummary Part2 - includes same fields, same description, sCalculation2

This is so I can show the records before an adjustment, in a detailed display, and then, the same records after an adjustment, but in the same detailed display.


This will result in 


DescriptionABC     100

DescriptionDEF     200

Total                      300


DescriptionABC     1000 (100*10)

DescriptionDEF     2000 (200*10)

Total                      3000


Do I need to duplicate the records in the found set and give the dupes a second sort field?



Thanks in advance for any help



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A record cannot appear twice in the same report.


Do I need to duplicate the records in the found set and give the dupes a second sort field?

I don't know. I would hope not. Can you provide a more detailed, less abstract, description of what you have and how you want to display it (and why)?

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You've answered my question perfectly thank you - I suspected that records were read only once and this is the case.

I need to display what's effectively a two part report, as you'd look at it in on paper.  It's a crosstab report which is similar to that demonstrated in the FM advanced training series

The top part is showing costs in columns across periods and I've used my records on their one usage to generate this section.

CurrentPeriod     PreviousPeriod     Previous2Period     Previous3Period


The bottom part shows the period on period change in the costs in the top part.

Because my report is set out by columns, each one representing a period, I can do further calculations to show the changes required, ie:

CurrentPeriod - PreviousPeriod     PreviousPeriod-Previous2Period   Previous2Period-Previous3Period

These I've done directly on the data table and placed them into a sub summary by customerID (which is the same for every single record in the found set)

I won't be duplicating records, thanks for that.  I will put together a few calculations though which require some legwork against the deadline!



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I can't say I follow your description. It seems to me that this type of report would be best produced from a reporting table having 2 permanent records and a field for each column. Populating the table would be done by a script - for this, I'd suggest you get familiar with a technique known as FastSummaries.


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