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Filemaker, Payment Gateways and XML

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A client of mine wants to tie their solution to Converge (https://www.myvirtualmerchant.com/VirtualMerchant/). They offer an XML option, so it look feasible, but I was wondering if anyone else has tied a Filemaker solution to Converge's API?

Also, with the new EMV Chip Cards, does anyone recommend any particular payment gateway for Filemaker? Or do the new chip cards not affect anything?

Any and all info about payment API's most welcome.

FM Pro and Server 14, Mac OS X environment.


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While I have not used this API, their developer guide says this:

  • Converge is an application that resides on a Web server and will act as such. As long as you are following RFC 2818 with your requests, as well as sending the designated XML or key value pairs, Converge will respond as defined. 

following that, I researched RFC 2818 and found that it is SECURE http over TLS.

so basically the API is a web service that must be secure for transitions back and forth. you *may* be able to use plug-ins for this or need to set up FMS (custom web publishing) to communicate back and forth. For full security, I don't believe HTTP POST only from fmp will be sufficient.


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