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Portal SC Get Container in a repeating field display

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My setup is a portal displaying a repeating field. 

This repeating field is an unstored calculation evaluating SCGetContainer (mypath ; id on SC).

When my id value on SC is the first repetition of the field, SCGetContainer displays correctly. When I am using the second value, I get a blank display. 

Is this something that can be done with the SCGetContainer Function?


Thanks for everyones help.


Edited by cat traveller
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Hi Ole,

This doesn't sound like it is something outside the use cases of the Companion plugin.

A blank display typically means that the file path that is being passed in does not exist.  I suspect that the information that you are trying to pass into the function is not getting there or is not the intended result. Do you get any errors? I can take a look at your logs to see if there is any thing that indicates an issue. See this page for log locations http://docs.360works.com/index.php/Plugin_log_files . Make sure to replicate the issue and then send the logs in an email to [email protected] . I will take a look and let you know what I see.

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