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FMGo Host Not Available - Diagnosing


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I have a client on an iPhone 6 who is getting "host not available" message on FileMaker Go 14. This is for internet connections(not local). SSL is enabled. Other clients and myself have not experiencing this message, unless the server is actually down. The server appears to be setup correctly and I only have ONE network connection enabled and IPv6 disabled(windows).

I have asked the client to note whether they are on WIFI or Cellular Data when this happens and also which wifi connection.

Are there any iOS settings that are overlooked? Any other ways to diagnose?

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4 hours ago, Buckie said:



1 hour ago, Wim Decorte said:

For those that work, is that also an internet connection, or only local connections?

What version of FMS and what version of his FMGo? (down to the subversion: for instance 13.5, 13.10,...)


Internet. All Internet. FMS Version: FMGo: I believe the most recent version from App Store.


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