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33 files

  1. More information about "PortalRowButton"



    Make new row of portal into a button to add new portal row. This will only show a button in the last portal row to add new portal row.

    Button Object Formatting

    IsEmpty ( Glb_PortalTab__gContactID::SerialNo ) [Enable the button object]
    not IsEmpty ( Glb_PortalTab__gContactID::SerialNo ) [Disable the button object]

    Here "Glb_PortalTab__gContactID" is the TOG of portal table and the field - SerialNo must be the primary/non empty serial# of Portal table.

    Attached a script to all the portal fields and pass 2 parameters. 1st parameter should be the object name of the portal field and 2nd parameter should be the SerialNo from portal TOG.

    script will be like this - Portal Button ( Object Name, SerialNo)



  2. More information about "ShortCut"



    ShortCut is a FileMaker Solution which emulates a PC shortcut or Mac alias file. It will locate your remote FileMaker Server anywhere in your office network or anywhere in the world (internet access required) and open the shared FileMaker Database Solution.

    ShortCut includes an e-mail function which allows you to send unlimited copies of your configured ShortCut to employees so they, too, will be able to connect directly to the shared FileMaker Solution. No need to train them for Remote Connection or setting Favorites. It also includes up to three file path modifications, allowing for changes in Server configuration or Solution name changes.

    1 purchase  


  3. More information about "FM KickStart"


    FM KickStart

    FM KickStart a free & 100% open FileMaker Pro 12 solution.

    As a Platinum FileMaker Partner with twelve years of experience our goal is to provide users with a free functionality base to extend upon.

    With FM KickStart you take off with screeching tyres. In FM KickStart every element, layout,
    field, colour, font, relation or script can be adapted to your needs. Get direct control over your invoicing,
    even on the iPad. Easily manage CRM in one location. Browse through products and organise them efficiently.
    Quickly and efficiently link important documents to the correct relation.
    Easy to customise

    You can immediately customise FM KickStart to your own way of working

    No time, too complicated?

    As a Platinum FileMaker Partner with twelve years of experience we can quickly and efficiently develop add-ons for you.
    Multiple users, multiple devices?
    No problem. You can start with a single user and easily expand to 999 users.

    In the cloud or self-managed?

    Locally installed on your server or in the cloud: something can be said for both options. The choice is yours.

    FM KickStart website



  4. More information about "iPoint Version Control"


    iPoint Version Control

    This is a simple file that can help you with version control. If you work from different locations or use different computers it can get frustrating keeping track of the most current version. I tried drop box, but had many issues of conflicting copies and found myself repeating hours of work due to poor version management. This file will allow you to have a secure location to keep your file. To work on a file you must check it out, and minimize the version control file. The Version Control file will not close until you check back in your file. It automatically updates the build number each time you check in your file and also requires a brief description of changes made. By hosting the version file you will always be working from the most recent project file and it will be kept in a central storage location. I made this file for myself and you may use a very different numbering or tracking method, so feel free to alter this file as needed to suite your needs. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs!
    NOTE: When checking in a file the checked in file replaces the checked out file. If you wish to keep a copy of the file prior to change make a new version and then check out the file and continue modification. Also, this is for development files only. If you have large files with lots of data this will be a slow process over a WAN.



  5. More information about "SQL Builder"


    SQL Builder

    This SQL code generator will generate ExecuteSQL() code for FileMaker allowing you to use unsafe field names and make changes to database schema after making the code. If you have feedback of any kind such as bugs or feature requests please visit the support topic for this file.

    UPDATE 5/23/2012
    Code window opens at start up
    Disabled field name check at start up.
    No bug fixes ( please send bug reports in the support topic )

    UPDATE 5/23/2012
    Added Settings page
    Added Loading page
    Fixed bug in code window

    UPDATE 5/16/2012
    Misc bug fixes and UI tweaks

    UPDATE 5/15/2012
    Table and Field ID's are now tracked allowing for auto repairing of table and field names after schema changes
    Misc bug fixes and UI tweaks

    UPDATE 5/13/2012
    All new UI
    Support for more functions

    UPDATE 5/9/2012 (v1.0?!)
    Support for FROM and Right JOIN Table Aliases
    Misc. bug fixes
    Tweaked the UI

    UPDATE 5/5/2012
    You can now group by a field without displaying it in the results
    Added JOIN Example

    UPDATE 5/4/2012
    Added a Statement Creation Wizard ( v07 )
    Improved Dynamic Parameters Support. ( v0601 )
    Support for Dynamic Parameters.

    UPDATE 5/2/2012 ( Back From Vacation! )
    Starting Value navigation buttons.
    Output code display options can be set at the bottom of the details layout.

    UPDATE 4/29/2012
    Added warning icons that show up if a field no longer exists so that schema changes can be easily tracked down.
    Added starting value and maximum results in the results window.

    UPDATE 4/25/2012
    Fixed "AND OR" Bug
    Insert functions into select field lines
    Adding a function to a WHERE line will change it into a HAVING line
    Manual entry will populate when entered on SELECT and WHERE/HAVING lines

    UPDATE 4/24/2012
    Fixed bug in ORDER BY
    Table Occurrences are now all that is needed to populate the field list.

    UPDATE 4/23/2012
    Added "Get at Date or Time" Check box for SELECT lines and an example of how it works.
    Statements can be assigned categories
    Simplified the code when there is no JOIN statement
    Code now has formatting to make reading the code easier
    Dropped the use of Quote() and now use escaped quotes
    You can attach a sub-query when using "WHERE IN" by clicking on the icon to the right of the value field

    UPDATE 4/22/2012
    More Unsafe Names
    UNION drop down menu and examples showing how to use it.

    Thanks for the feedback so far...



  6. More information about "AdvanceInstant Search"


    AdvanceInstant Search

    Advance serach Filemaker solutions



  7. More information about "onScreen Keyboard"


    onScreen Keyboard

    This is a sample keyboard with basic functionality. Includes upper & lowercase.
    Uses repeating fields and if you change the $$KEYBOARD global variable, you can use this
    in spanish, russian, etc very quickly .

    Hope this helps someone with their solution




  8. More information about "avaya1416.zip"



    This is a fm file to print out the button labels on the avaya 1416 phone and the DBM32 sidecar... this is not intended to use with their labels, just print on plain paper and cutout...



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