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Which field type I need?

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You could do this (although it involves using 2 more fields)

Create one calculation fields.

calc Field 1 =If(Fieldwithnumbers > 0, "1", "")

The sum of this field will be equal to the number of those with values greater than zero

The difference between a record count on the found set and this total will be the negative numbers.

second calc field would be

calc field two = status (currentfoundcount) - sum(calcfield 1)

This would be all records not over 0

Alternatively, you could do a second field the same as the first one

calc field two =IF(fieldwithnumbers < 0, "1","")

a sum of this field will give you the number of records less than zero.

Use the second method if some of your records contain no values at all and you don't want them counted as negative.


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