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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Trigger script from popup selection?

Way Wong

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I was at the recent MacWorld and during the demo of FM5 and the FM folks said that the you can now trigger a script when a selection is made from a popup list or menu. I can't seem to find anything about it in the documentation. Can anyone point me to it or show me how this is done?



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I don't know of this being built into FileMaker, unless something has changed that I'm unaware of. I know of two work arounds for this. Use a plug-in like ScriptScheduler or use a script like this:

Go to Field [ Select, Trigger_Field ]


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You can also assign the field itself to be a button.

Select the field on the layout. Go to the Format->Button option in the menu bar. Select the Perform Script step on the left and select the script from the menu on the right.

This solution has the disadvange that the user must click into the field for it to work. In other words, tabbing into the field will not run the script. However, it might be a workaround to remove the field from the tab order of the layout so that the user has to click into it to change the contents.

If this doesn't work for you, then you need to take a look at a plug-in like ScriptScheduler.


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