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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Replacing quotation marks


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If a user has a quotation mark (") in a field and I want to remove it, how do I go about doing this?

I tried:



which would obviously replace any quotations in the field with nothing, but this does not work. An example would be:

Description field:

"This is driving me nuts"

I would want it to be:

This is driving me nuts

Is there any way to do this? Thanks,


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This should work:

Replace [ description, """", "" ]

I found this in a tech note on FileMaker's web site.

http://tidb.filemaker.com/ti/FMPro?-db=ti.fp5&-lay=list&-sortfield=relevancecalc&-sortorder=descend&-op=eq&product=filemaker%20&-op=eq&article=calculation%20quote&-token.0=filemake r%20calculation%20quote&-token.1=30&-find=&-format=detail.html&-recid=43643


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Thanks for the replies. I still can't get it to work after reading the FileMaker tech article.

I created a field called Description.

In the description I have (quotes are part of the field)

"This is just a test."

To test this, I then have a calculation that is "calculate only when needed."

For the calculation I have:


However, it still displays:

"This is just a test."

Any ideas? This is driving me crazy....


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This topic is 8651 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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