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ExecuteSQL - Field cannot be found

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I am extremely new to working with SQL, so i am currently fumbling my way through achieving my required outcomes. 

To explain further explain my issue, i created a table/layout on one of my databases that i could use to practice and visualize the outcomes of ExecuteSQL. 

I type into my "query" field and that drives a separate ExecuteSQL calculation. 

I have been able to achieve the required outcome in this field, however when i transfer the query directly into a ExecuteSQL calculation i get errors. These relate to the field in financials called "Cost Code"

If i attempt the same calculation without it, i can run it without an issue. However what confuses me is it will work when input through a query field. 

Query field;

FROM financials
Where "Cost Code" = 'FA' and EID = '982 000147908607'

Please find attached images highlighting and showing everything relevant. 


Kind regards


SQL Error 1.PNG

SQL Error 2.PNG

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Hi Pat,

Since the Cost Code field name contains a space you need to wrap it in double quotes as you have done, but... furthermore... you need to escape the double quotes by prepending a backslash character.

ExecuteSQL ( 

FROM financials
Where \"Cost Code\" = 'FA' and EID = '982 000147908607' " 

; "" ; "" ) 

Also, I would take advantage of dynamic parameters and construct the query like so:

ExecuteSQL ( 

FROM financials
Where \"Cost Code\" = ? and EID = ? " 

; "" ; "" ; "FA" ; "982 000147908607" ) 

Hope this helps,


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