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Mike D.

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Everything posted by Mike D.

  1. Is it possible that the PCs automatically receive software updates from Microsoft? Maybe one of those updates caused a problem. Just an idea...
  2. Yes and No - if the desktop is a Mac and the laptop is a PC, then they can be open at the same time even when connected via a LAN. It doesn't seem to recognize the same license as being open simultaneously when using different platforms. I'm not sure what happens if the file is being hosted by server and you are accessing the same file from different platforms. HTH, Mike
  3. Try sorting the summary report again. If I recall correctly, that will refresh the data. HTH, Mike
  4. You can also check out this book from Nolo Press. I've used it in the past. Link HTH, Mike
  5. For one particular project, I did supply a User Manual with lots of screen shots and a flow chart. However, that client was extremely computer illiterate. It was for a small town government so I knew that there was a probability that the end user would likely change every couple years depending on election results.
  6. You should also consider joining TechNet so that you have access to additional templates and starter solutions.
  7. If you're keeping the data internal to your business, you don't need Server Advanced. Running peer to peer is vulnerable to corrupting the file. The advantage of having FM Advanced is that it provides extra tools useful during development of the database - Script debugger, custom menus, custom functions, ability to create runtimes, just to name a few.
  8. I do this somewhat differently. I don't export any data, rather I bring in a clone of the updated file in the same directory as the original and then run import scripts similar to the method that bcooney described. I have a master import script that calls import scripts for the individual tables. If you add in a table, just make sure you create the new script and add it to the master import script. The Set Next Serial number step is extremely important - if you miss that one, you will cause problems in your relationships. To speed up the import process, make a blank layout for each table - no fields in that layout. Use those layouts in your import scripts. That way, the unstored calculation fields and summary fields don't slow down the process. (I do put the table name on the layout so I can watch the import progress.) Just make sure you have a dialog box pop up to tell you when the import is complete. HTH, Mike
  9. Too bad I'm on the East coast - I could really use a toaster... :wink2:
  10. I have seen this happen before when FileMaker quit unexpectedly. Try restarting the client computer and see if that fixes the conflict. HTH, Mike
  11. Soren, What a great link! Thanks for passing that on. Mike
  12. Genx, Drew_S is using a Mac and the F1 key does not pull up the help file. There is a "Help" key on the Mac keyboard, usually above the delete key. Just one of the few differences between the mac and pc keyboards... Mike
  13. dvalley, Do you have admin rights to the file? I'm guessing, but is it possible that the permissions to the file have been restricted? I tried it on both my Mac and on Windows XP and did not see the problem you're having. The other possible fix is that you create a custom dictionary and use that instead of the default one. HTH, Mike
  14. Where are you?
  15. Sam, I think I understand what you're trying to do. Before you create the runtime, attach a script similar to this to your exit/quit button. If [ LeftWords ( Get ( ApplicationVersion ); 1) = "Runtime" ] Exit Application Else Show Custom Dialog [ Title: "Exit"; Message: "Do you want to Exit FileMaker too?"; Buttons: “Yes”, “No”, “Cancel” ] If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 1 ] Exit Application End If If [ Get ( LastMessageChoice ) = 2 ] Close File [ Current File ] End If End If Hopefully, if this is not exactly what you need, it will give you some ideas. Mike
  16. What I have done in one of my solutions is to have the shutdown script use the Get(ApplicationVersion) to see if the first word is "Runtime". If it is, then quit the runtime. Otherwise allow the user select if they want to close the solution or quit FileMaker altogether.
  17. AnBrPe, First, welcome to the forum! Second, if you want anyone to contact you, we need an more info such as an email address. Thanks, Mike
  18. George, You can use the Replace Field Contents to do this. Click in the field containing the song title and composer and select from the menu bar Records --> Replace Field Contents. Use this calculation to remove the composers - Left(song title; Position(song title; "("; 1; 1)-1). This calculation looks for the opening "(" and then keeps only the text to the left of that bracket. Just be aware that the composer info will be deleted and you can't get it back. If you want to split the info between two fields, then that is a different situation. HTH, Mike
  19. Brian, I seem to remember that corrupted font(s) could cause a slow-down. That was quite a while ago and I think it only affected Macs, not PCs. Just a thought... Mike
  20. Brian, I have seen something similar to this on a HP laptop running XP Home Edition. If I was not connected to the network, but my network connections in the Control Panel were enabled, FM was extremely slow to start up. If I disabled the network connections, FM started up normally. The fix for me was to disable the connections before starting up FileMaker when not hooked up to the network. BTW - this problem does not occur on a Dell laptop with XP Professional. HTH, Mike
  21. it4yeshau, You could easily do this yourself with FMRobot from New Millennium. Here is a Link to their website. HTH, Mike
  22. Boberino, First welcome to the forums. The easiest way to delete related records is via the relationship. One of the checkboxes in the relationship dialog box is "Delete related records in this table when a record is deleted in the other table." No scripts are necessary. HTH, Mike
  23. I don't know of a FileMaker solution, but there is InOutBoard which is a web based application. HTH, Mike
  24. Raz, You are correct there is no difference for portals if you are using a single or multiple files. It is just easier for someone like Mike Bognar to understand when the tables are in the same database. Yes, we are all in agreement. Mike
  25. Mike - Are you feeling bombarded??
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