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FM 15 won't connect to remote servers

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Has anyone seen this with FM15. The app itself works (I can work on local files) but I can’t connect to any remote servers. Has been uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Other FM versions work on the same machine. 

OS: 10.11.6



Screen Shot 2016-08-12 at 10.37.30 AM.png

Edited by Agnes Riley
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Was talking to Mislav about this yesterday, he had the same thing.  Works fine in 14, not so in 15.  What's the flavor of the remote FMS?  No SSL, standard SSL or custom SSL?

Did you also have this before upgrading to 10.11.6?


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Hi Wim,

I didn't upgrade, I got a new machine. And yes, I had the same issue on 10.10. 

BUT it works fine on my own MacBookPro, which has 10.10.

Same problem with any server, ours, my own and client ones. VPN, no VPN, same.

I doubt any of them have SSL.

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