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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Newbie online tutorial - where 'save as'


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One way to keep users from making changes is to create accounts for the users that do not have full access to the file. Only your account should have full access and you should protect that account with a password that only you know.

Another way to stop anyone (even you) from ever making changes to a file is to use filemaker developer to remove the full access accounts. Make sure you only do this to a copy of your file so you can make changes if you need to redistribute the file.

I'm assuming that modele mode is the same as layout mode, and that using mode is the same as browse mode. In filemaker, you can set a preference to require confirmation to save changes when leaving layout mode.

You can also set a preference on a per-layout basis to require confirmation to save changes to record data. If you leave this preference turned off, then all changes are immediately committed to the database when you leave the record or close the file.

I'm not sure about books in French, but there are new books in English coming out all the time on Amazon.com Many of them are advertised on this site as well.

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For books in English, I've seen three. The first out was by Feiler, Teach Yourself FM7 in 24 Hours." Being the first one published is all it's got going for it. The second is quite good for a tutorial or even a classroom setting: J. Starrs (& 2 others), *Learn FMP7.* It starts with the basics (not necessary if you've used earlier versions of FM, but helpful for those who have not), and it does move to an intermediate level. The most recent release I've seen is *Special Edition Using FM7* by Lane, Bowers, Love, & Moyer (Ques, 2004), ISBN 0789730286. At about 1,100 pages, this is a big one. It's rated as Intermediate to Advanced level, and my initial impression is that it is just that. I just received it in the mail and I like what I've seen thus far. For a total newcomer, start with Stars and then move on to this one. If you're experienced with other DB programs, you might jump directly to the big one, but it is a big jump.


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