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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

How can I share information between FMP7 and FMP6


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We are a small company and wish to maintain our database on the server (network) and have each computer access this information with either FMP6 or FMP7 according to the windows available on each computer. Is this possible to enter information on the server and access it on any computer whether it houses 6 or 7?

Thanks so much.

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It's not so easy... There are ways of importing/exporting information between v6 and v7 (XML, ODBC), but you can't simply have FMP v6 connect to a v7 server or vice versa.

If you really want to move up to v7, but you have machines that you can't move to 2000 or XP, you might want to consider citrix or terminal services. That way you can access fm7 from older operating systems. Another option is to use the web to deliver the data to the older OS.

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