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saving to second database

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To start with I am rather new with filemaker pro

So maybe it's very easy but i'm just not seeing it.

But i'm working 2 days straight on it.

We are working here with a users database.

You can search users and get information from it

But we want an option to make a letter and you get some templates of the letter.

And then the option te save the letter..

But the letter has to be saved in a different database linked to the user where it's sent to But also to multiple users.

And the second table has to contain that information.

Is this possible with filemaker pro?

And how?

thanx in advance

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Yes, it's possible, but would involve a considerable amount of scripting. You would need to set up a separate table for each potential user; each record of each table would then be a letter. By pressing the first button, a copy of the template could be posted to the user's file, creating a new record. The user would then make the changes, press a second button when done and voila the text would be copied to whomever else you want.

You could also do this with a container field, with a link to your word processor. You could use a template from the word processor and store whatever additional information you need right with the document. This way you wouldn't need all those records in FileMaker.

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This topic is 7161 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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