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I have put together an import script that uses ScriptMaster for a couple things like check for the existence of the fuel, create a folder, move it and zip it. When running this on the desktop, it works flawlessly, Now I need it to work from the server as a scheduled script. I can confirm that the plugin is indeed loading and loading all necessary scripts for the various functions, all ok. But the buck stops there. 


If I ask, does the files exist? I get back, NO. If I check from the data viewer on the desktop for a copy of the file in my documents folder--YES....on the sever documents? NO. I changed the permission on the files in case that was the issue...No difference. 


So--do I have the files in the right place, you ask? /MacHD/Library/FileMaker Server/Documents/   uh--check! I have tried checking with both the above path and just /Library/FileMaker Server/Documents/ and neither work. 


I am using FMSA12. And since you can't run a debugger in the server environment I am sending back emails to my self with some status updates as to the script progress. 


I can confirm that the plugin is definitely loaded and all required modules are loaded. 


You can use the get(documentspath) to always have the right folder even on Server.  Can you post details on your script, how you get to the files, what you do with them, where you move them to, etc


Hey Wim,


These files are basic tab delimited data being retrieved from another system and placed in the Server Documents folder. In my solution I am keeping a list of these target files in a table to make it end user accessible if they need to add more files to the import process later on. 


The start of the script gets the list of these files intended to be imported and in a loop runs this import process. 


The first step in that process is to ask, "Does this file exist?" I am using the script that comes in the SM file, I just have it renamed as smFileExists, the groovy is

new File( pathToFile ).exists()  




I pass in as a parameter


Substitute ( Get ( DocumentsPath ) ; Get ( SystemDrive ) ; "/" ) & "myfile.tab"



to strip the initial "/Mac HD/" and then concatenating the name of the file. 


Run from the client, it works--for example, I place the tab file in my user documents folder. 


Initially, my concern was the the plugin was not loading or working with server. So to check that, I am using FM send mail via smtp and I run the function SMGetRegisteredModules to get a list of all functions registered at startup and I get back my full list. So I know that the plugin is functioning. 


I don't know if seeing the code will help. I will post those separately.

This is the script the server calls. 

#   Purpose:              Import Controller to update inventory. Performed nightly
#   Parameters:         none
#                              ---------------------------
#                              ---------------------------
#   Called by:           (script) any
#   Author:                Rob Poelking
#   History:             

2012-11-08 Rob Poelking Intial Version
#				2013-01-10 Rob Poelking - 
#   Notes:                 Need more error trapping functions - failure of plugin - failure to import file - failure to find file
Set Variable [$arc; Value:"archive/"]
Set Variable [$arc.limit; Value:5]
Set Variable [$$DEBUG; Value:True]
Set Variable [$mail.vars; Value://Assign All vars
Let ([
	$from.name = "server" ; 
	$from.address = "[email protected]" ; 
	$smtp.server = "smtp.gmail.com" ; 
	$smtp.port = 465 ; 
	$mail.user = "me.com" ; 
	$mail.pw = "password" ;
	$to = $mail.user
Set Variable [$subject; Value:"Inventory Import Status"]
Set Error Capture [On]
Allow User Abort [Off]
#need to load the NADA modules!
Set Variable [$check.modules; Value:NADA_CheckModules]
If [$check.modules =  0]
	Perform Script ["Load Scripts"]
End If
#If they haven't loaded by now, stop
If [$check.modules =  0]
	#send mail
	Set Variable [$message; Value:"Failure; check modules won't load"]
	Send Mail [No dialog; Send via SMTP Server; To: "$to"; Subject: "$subject"]
	Exit Script []
	#============================================== DEBUG
	If [$$DEBUG]
		Set Variable [$message; Value:List ( 
"Success; check modules loaded" ; 
		Send Mail [No dialog; Send via SMTP Server; To: "$to"; Subject: "$subject"]
	End If
	#============================================== DEBUG
End If
Go to Layout ["Inventory Import"]
#Query the importFiles table for a list of files to be imported
Set Variable [$file.list; Value:Let ([
	sql = "SELECT [~fieldlist~] FROM [~table~] WHERE [~queryfield~] = ?";
	fieldlist = 
			 	sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065121 ; 5 ) ; //filename
				sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065121 ; 4 ) ; //storecode
				sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065121 ; 7 ) ; //type
		  ¶ ; ", " ) ;
	table = sql.GetTableNameFromID ( 1065121 ) ; //"@importFiles"
	queryField = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065121 ; 2 ); 
	queryValue = "Inventory" ;
	sql = Substitute(
			[ "[~fieldlist~]" ; fieldlist ] ; 
			[ "[~table~]" ; table ] ; 
			[ "[~queryfield~]" ; queryfield ]
		) ;
	return = ExecuteSQL ( sql ; "" ; "" ; queryValue )
Set Variable [$file.count; Value:ValueCount ( $file.list )]
#============================================== DEBUG
If [$$DEBUG]
	Set Variable [$message; Value:List ( 
$file.count & "File Listed:" ;
	Send Mail [No dialog; Send via SMTP Server; To: "$to"; Subject: "$subject"]
End If
#============================================== DEBUG
If [$file.count]
		Exit Loop If [Let ( $i=$i+1;$i>$file.count)]
		#break out file data
		Set Variable [$file.data; Value:Substitute ( GetValue ( $file.list ; $i ) ; "," ; ¶ )]
		Set Variable [$file.name; Value:GetValue ( $file.data ; 1 )]
		Set Variable [$store.code; Value:GetValue ( $file.data ; 2 )]
		Set Variable [$type; Value:GetValue ( $file.data ; 3 )]
		#Make sure file exists
		Set Variable [$path; Value:Get ( DocumentsPath )]
		Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: List  ( 
# ( "action" ; "exists" ) ; 
# ( "patha" ; $path & $file.name) 
		Set Variable [$result; Value:Get ( ScriptResult )]
		#============================================== DEBUG
		If [$$DEBUG]
			Set Variable [$message; Value:List ( 
$file.data ;
$file.name ;
$store.code ; 
$type ;
$path & $file.name; 
"file exists? " & Choose ( $result ; "No" ; "Yes" ) 
			Send Mail [No dialog; Send via SMTP Server; To: "$to"; Subject: "$subject"]
		End If
		#============================================== DEBUG
		If [$result // file exists]
			#get the parameters needed to perform the import
			Perform Script ["Import Inventory [ filename ; storecode; type ]"; Parameter: List ( 
# ( "filename" ; $file.name ) ;
# ( "storecode" ; $store.code ) ; 
# ( "type" ; $type ) 
			// Set Variable [$path; Value:Get ( DocumentsPath ) & $file.name]
			#Make sure we have an archive folder at destination
			Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: List  ( 
# ( "action" ; "exists" ) ; 
# ( "patha" ; $path & $arc ) 
			Set Variable [$result; Value:Get ( ScriptResult )]
			If [not $result]
				#folder doesn't exist, create it now
				Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: List  ( 
# ( "action" ; "create folder" ) ; 
# ( "patha" ; $path & $arc ) 
			End If
			#Make sure we did not get a failure code
			Set Variable [$result; Value:Get ( ScriptResult )]
			If [not $result]
				#@TODO 2013-01-17 Rob Poelking - not sure how to handle failure
				Exit Script []
			End If
			#check to see if we have reached the limit on archive files and delete oldest if necessary
			Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: List  ( 
# ( "action" ; "list folder" ) ; 
# ( "patha" ; $path & $arc ) 
			Set Variable [$result; Value://if mac, strip the volume name
Let ( [ 

basePath = If ( isMac ; Substitute ( $path ; Get ( SystemDrive ) ; "/" ) ; $path ) & $arc
Substitute ( Get ( ScriptResult ) ; basePath ; "" ) 
			Set Variable [$file.search; Value:Substitute ( $file.name ; ".tsv" ; "" )]
			Set Variable [$file.count [2]; Value:PatternCount ( $result ; $file.search )]
			If [$file.count[2]  ≥ $arc.limit]
				Set Variable [$files.delete.count; Value://Returning only the list of files that match the current file. Eliminate all but the most current list 
//that are within the archive limit ($arc.limit)
// 2013-01-17 Rob Poelking 

Let ( [ 

	r = $result ; 
	r = If ( Right ( r ; 1 )  ≠ ¶ ; r & ¶ ; r ) ; 
	s = $file.search ;
	c = PatternCount ( r ; s );
	p1 = Position ( r ; s ; 1 ; 1 );
	pLast = Position ( r ; s ; 1 ; c ) ;
	startingValue = PatternCount ( Left ( r ; p1 -1 )  ; ¶  )  +1 ;
	$list = MiddleValues ( r ; startingValue ; c ) 
	 ( ValueCount ( $list ) + 1 ) - $arc.limit

					Exit Loop If [Let ( $j=$j+1;$j>$files.delete.count )]
					Set Variable [$target.file; Value:GetValue ( $list ; $j )]
					Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: List  ( 
# ( "action" ; "delete file" ) ; 
# ( "patha" ; $path & $arc & $target.file ) 
				End Loop
			End If
			#compress and move file to archive
			Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: Let ( [
	now = Get ( CurrentHostTimeStamp ) ; 
	y = Year ( now ) ; 
	m = Right ( "00" & Month ( now ) ;2 ) ; 
	d = Right ( "00" & Day ( now ) ;2 ) ; 
	H = Right ( "00" & Hour ( now ) ;2 ) ; 
	n = Right ( "00" & Minute ( now ) ;2 ) ; 
	s = Right ( "00" & Seconds ( now ) ;2 ) ; 
	ts = y & m & d & h & n & s
	List  ( 
	# ( "action" ; "zip file" ) ; 
	# ( "patha" ; $path & $file.name ) ;
	# ( "pathb" ; $path & $arc & Substitute ( $file.name ; ".tsv" ; "_" & ts & ".zip" ) )
			Perform Script ["File Management [ action {; patha ; pathb ; data } ]"; Parameter: 	List  ( 
	# ( "action" ; "delete file" ) ; 
	# ( "patha" ; $path & $file.name ) ;
			#//file does not exist
		End If
	End Loop
	#In the event no file were found, then we would have a zero found count
	If [Get ( FoundCount )]
		#Eliminate any temp inventory that already exists in inventory

		Set Variable [$stock.numbers; Value://Returns all matching records that exist already in inventory
//do not import these
    sql = "SELECT [~field~] FROM [~table~] 
			INNER JOIN [~table2~] ON ( [~j1~] = [~j2~] ) " ;
//			WHERE [~queryField~] = ?";
    field = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065118 ; 1 ) ; 
	table = sql.GetTableNameFromID ( 1065118 ) ;//tmpInventory
	table2 = sql.GetTableNameFromID ( 1065103 ) ; //inventory
	joinField1 = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065118 ; 1 ) ;//stocknumber
	joinField2 = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065103 ; 11 ) ;//stocknumber
	queryField = joinField2 ;
	queryValue = Quote ( "" ) ;
	sql = Substitute(
		[ "[~field~]" ; field ] ; 
		[ "[~table~]" ; table ] ; 
		[ "[~table2~]" ; table2 ] ;
		[ "[~j1~]" ; joinField1 ] ; 
		[ "[~j2~]" ; joinField2 ] ;
		[ "[~queryField~]" ; queryField ]
	) ;
	return = ExecuteSQL ( sql ; "" ; "" ; queryValue )

		If [ValueCount ( $stock.numbers )]
			Set Field [@tmpInventory::stockMatch[]; $stock.numbers]
			Go to Related Record [Show only related records; From table: "temInventory stock match 2"; Using layout: <Current Layout>]
			If [Get ( LastError ) = 0]
				Delete All Records [No dialog]
			End If
		End If
		#Determine what stock has been sold
		#@TODO - eliminate marking same records repeatedly. Eliminate anything already marked sold. 
		Set Variable [$stock.numbers; Value://Returns all records that exist in inventory but no longer in the import
//mark all these inventory records as sold
    sql = "SELECT [~field~] FROM [~table~] 
			LEFT JOIN [~table2~] ON  [~j1~] = [~j2~] 
			WHERE [~queryField~] IS NULL AND "Sold" IS NULL";
    field = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065103 ; 11 ) ; 
	table2 = sql.GetTableNameFromID ( 1065118 ) ;//tmpInventory
	table = sql.GetTableNameFromID ( 1065103 ) ; //inventory
	joinField2 = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065118 ; 1 ) ;//stocknumber
	joinField1 = sql.GetFieldNameFromID ( 1065103 ; 11 ) ;//stocknumber
	queryField = joinField2 ;
	sql = Substitute(
		[ "[~field~]" ; field ] ; 
		[ "[~table~]" ; table ] ; 
		[ "[~table2~]" ; table2 ] ;
		[ "[~j1~]" ; joinField1 ] ; 
		[ "[~j2~]" ; joinField2 ] ;
		[ "[~queryField~]" ; queryField ]
	) ;
	return = ExecuteSQL ( sql ; "" ; "" )

		If [ValueCount ( $stock.numbers )]
			Set Field [@tmpInventory::stockMatch[]; $stock.numbers]
			Go to Related Record [Show only related records; From table: "inventory » importStockMatch"; Using layout: "@inventory"]
			If [Get ( LastError ) = 0]
				Replace Field Contents [No dialog; @inventory::Sold[]; True]
			End If
			Go to Layout ["Inventory Import"]
		End If
		#Finally, any remaining inventory needs to be cleaned and imported
		#At this point, clean up the import, normalizing it to NADA auto data. 
		Perform Script ["Clean Imported Inventory"]
		#check for error 
		#fill in gap information for series/trims/accessories
		#get missing series (models)
		Perform Find [Restore]
		If [Get ( FoundCount)]
			Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
				Perform Script ["Get Current Series"]
				Go to Record/Request/Page [Next; Exit after last]
			End Loop
		End If
		#get missing trim 
		Perform Find [Restore]
		If [Get ( FoundCount)]
			Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
				Perform Script ["Get Current Trims"]
				Go to Record/Request/Page [Next; Exit after last]
			End Loop
		End If
		#get missing accessories 
		Perform Find [Restore]
		If [Get ( FoundCount)]
			Go to Record/Request/Page [First]
				Perform Script ["Get Current Accessories"]
				Go to Record/Request/Page [Next; Exit after last]
			End Loop
		End If

		#@TODO : need to import from the temp table into the regular inventory table
		#In the context of the temp Inventory, show all records so they get imported
		Go to Layout ["Inventory Import"]
		Show All Records
		#Go to regular inventory table
		Go to Layout ["@inventory"]
		#now do a self import from the tempInventory to the Inventory table
		Import Records [No dialog; "mst_data"; Add; Mac Roman]
		#Now empty the tempInventory table
		Go to Layout ["Inventory Import"]
		Delete All Records [No dialog]
		#- end if [ Get ( FoundCount ) ) ]
	End If
End If
Go to Layout [original layout]
Exit Script []

This is the script that manages the file operations. 

#   Purpose:              Controls server side file management
#   Parameters:         action ; path
#                              ---------------------------
#                              $action = (enum) 
#                              $path = (string) any valid path string
#                              ---------------------------
#   Called by:           (script) any
#   Author:                Rob Poelking
#   History:             
2013-01-17 Rob Poelking - initial version

#   Notes:                 none
Set Variable [$vars; Value:#AssignScriptParameters]
#Need to truncate mac volume not sure if this is the case on windows
If [isMac]
	Set Variable [$patha; Value:Substitute ( $patha ; Get ( SystemDrive ) ; "/" )]
	Set Variable [$pathb; Value:Substitute ( $pathb ; Get ( SystemDrive ) ; "/" )]
End If
If [$action = ""]
	#-------------------------------------------------- append file
Else If [$action = "append file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileAppend( $patha ; $data )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- copy file
Else If [$action = "copy file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileCopy ( $patha ; $pathb )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- delete file
Else If [$action = "delete file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileDelete( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- file exists
Else If [$action = "exists"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileExists ( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- create folder
Else If [$action = "create folder"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileFolderCreate ( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- select folder
$action = "select folder"]
	// Set Variable [$result; Value:<Function Missing> ( $patha ; $data )
//Starting path / prompt]
	#-------------------------------------------------- folder size
Else If [$action = "folder size"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileFolderSize ( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- list folder
Else If [$action = "list folder"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileListDirectory ( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- file modification
Else If [$action = "file modification"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileModificationDate ( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- move file
Else If [$action = "move file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileMove ( $patha ; $pathb )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- read file
Else If [$action = "read file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileRead ( $patha )]
	#-------------------------------------------------- write file
Else If [$action = "write file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileWrite( $patha ; $data )
//Starting path / prompt]
	#-------------------------------------------------- zip file
Else If [$action = "zip file"]
	Set Variable [$result; Value:smFileZip ( $patha ; $pathb )]
End If
Exit Script [$result]



Are you sure that you register the plugin as part of your server script ?

That could be the problem...

Also beaware that the server user, does have limited acces to the folders on your server.


Good call, Wim, but that will only delay the inevitable. Once I get the listing it's easy to confirm that the file being worked on exists (not as clean as the simple exists() )...but, I still need the SM functions to work when I need to zip and move that file into a Archive folder. 


@Claus - yes, see in my post. I have already confirmed that the plugin is registered and functioning. 


When you say limited access--please clarify. I know that I only have access to the Documents folder. Is it limited further than that? Am I unable to create new folders, move/rename files, etc in that Documents folder?

This topic is 4437 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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