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New 'variation of font' popup

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I have not seen this mentioned anywhere - it's not listed in new features for 14 but I noticed that there is now a new popup Inspections > Text, right under the font.  If I select Tacoma and then 'B' to bold it, this new popup changes to Negreta.  If I unclick 'B' the popup changes back to plain.  Many of the fonts have several variations listed, such as Arial.  

I wondered why it had been added.  This 'font variation' popup works in tandem with the B, I, U icons so a guess ... I know some fonts COME already styled, such as Arial Bold.  Maybe since FMI removed the fonts option, they've moved all 'available' fonts to this new variation popup.  Another guess ... maybe it is less expensive for FM to use Arial Bold rather than using Arial and then having to bold it separately.  

I also found a semi-reference in FMGO 14 which might be related ...

"Rich text editing – Choose the size, color, and font of your text — includes bold, underline, and italics options."

But we've always been able to bold, underline etc so 'rich text editing' might mean something else here.  Maybe this new popup is all part of a standardizing tactic for compatibility.  Anyway, it was interesting so I wanted to share it.  :-)



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I notice the same thing too LaRetta. At first I thought it was another font named Negreta, but then realise its a styling from Bold. Maybe FileMaker made a mistake in the translation. So I google the word and found that it's Spanish, with this:

1. Coot, a kind of duck of a blackish color.

note: tested with FM14 - 30 days trial.

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Hey thanks!  I wondered if it was an error also but I had looked up Tahoma Negreta and saw it is an x-plat font.  But the other fonts have variations also so my post was more about the purpose of the new popup more than the Tahoma variation.  

Thank you for speaking up.  It is appreciated!  :-)

BTW, I love that definition you found.  I'll never look at bold the same way again.

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I selected 'all fonts' and then Tahoma (in *FontBook).  It only shows 'normal' and 'negreta'.  Is it my OS version?  I'm 10.9.5 (Mavericks).  I tried selecting 'add fonts' but then it just began looking on my Mac.  Would I need to download a font package to find more for Tahoma?

Yes, I've seen some strange variations - in old days when on Windows I recall Helvetica Narrow Bold!   Oh my ... select Helvetica and there is:  light, light oblique, bold oblique and more in this popup!  When viewing the list of fonts, there is Helvetica, Helvetica CY and Helvetica Neue!

So then this popup is to replace the fact that FMI removed the fonts tab from FileMaker Preferences as described here (although not directly connected, they must be connected):

Fonts options – The Fonts tab has been removed from the Preferences dialog box and replaced by a new Inspector option, Synchronize with field's language. This option changes the input method based on the default language set in the Options for Field dialog box. See Setting the text input method for fields.

 Thanks for pointing out FontBook.  I still haven't had time to learn everything about these Macs.  Well, see if I give a coot (duck or otherwise)!!  :wink3:

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it looks like FMI finally got smart and switched to using font variations, instead of applying faux bold or faux italics to a non-bold variation of the font. In previous versions you could create a monstrosity like this:


This is the regular Arial font, with bold and italics styles applied. To do it correctly, you had to choose "Arial Bold Italic" as the font, and remove the bold and italic styling:


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Good morning!

Now this makes sense.  I always thought it strange to select a font such as Arial Bold and then be able to bold it.  It seemed there was a disconnect somewhere (either in me or FMI) and it all felt weird.  Your examples are perfect to show the issue.

One would think this kind of change might be mentioned in New Features but all I could find was what I quoted above which doesn't really address it.  Thank you for explaining it.  :smile3:

As an aside ... strange ... in the emoticons here, sections are:  Emoticons, Extras and Drinks.  Drinks?  That is some grouping, LOL. 

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Oh yes, Tahoma does show 'normal' and 'negreta' in FontBook on the Mac. Maybe this is a bug of the OS, and not FileMaker's fault. So I take it that Negreta means bold, or rather duck bold.

As for the new style of supplying variations, FM14 now provides other variations such as Thin, Light, Condensed, etc. Thanks for pointing that out. I consider this a new feature, which FileMaker didn't announce as one.

Alas, FM14 didn't actually remove all the 'faux' bolds and italics because Tahoma comes only with Normal and Bold but if you press the italic button, its 'faux'.

Also note that, FileMaker on Mac OS can use OTF and TTF fonts but MS-Windows use TTF fonts only, no OTF. If you use custom fonts for both platforms, pick TTFs. But then again, iOS will have to use another theme using its build-in fonts because you can't install fonts there.

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I think I understand what is being said here.  I have always wondered what happens if I make a font size different than what appears in the pop-up list.  Does 16 pt require more processor cycles than 14 or 18 ?  Do certain fonts only come in certain sizes or am I dating myself and that went out in the 1980s?

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Does 16 pt require more processor cycles than 14 or 18 ?

​No. Since version 7, Filemaker supports outline fonts only. An outline font has no size until it's rendered to screen or printed page.

A possible exception to the above: some fonts have bitmap versions for rendering very small sizes (typically 8 and 10 pt).


I have not seen this mentioned anywhere - it's not listed in new features for 14

​Actually, it is mentioned here:

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