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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

FMGO 14 Web Viewer PDF Email?

Peter Barfield

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Not sure if this is possible or exactly how to achieve this but here is the problem. I have a client who has stored a lot of documents on google drive. Showing those docs in a web viewer is ok and doable however, they want a document from GD to be shown in a web viewer as PDF and then to be able to be emailed from within the solution. I am not sure if this is doable how to do it if it is doable. (There is no ability to email directly from the web viewer on an Ipad as far as I can see there is an option to print or download only).


Hoping someone can shed some light on the subject.

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I thought I might use the GetLayoutobjectAttribute "source" option to get the URL put that into a field and then have a container field with that PDF in it then email that however, (and this may be something that cannot be overcome) the return data for GLOA is an example as follows: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B1jz5l2dghU4Q0xsLUVwemdIYk0&usp=sharing&tid=0B1jz5l2dghU4bkJWYXNFYlFUN3M This does not return the specific document but the hierarchal view. There does not appear anyway to delve deeper into the url and grab the specific doc url. I'll keep trying but if any one has input it would be appreciated. 

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