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El Capitan and FileMaker Pro 11 etc.

Lee Smith

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I don’t remember seeing any posts about problems associated  with using El Capitan and FileMaker Pro 11 or for that matter 12.0v5, & 13.0v5

I have several files written in FileMaker Pro 11, and I would like to continue to use them in 11 and eliminate the time-consuming conversion to FileMaker Pro 14.

With all of the problems  surrounding FileMaker Pro 14 and (Servers) I'm reluctant to upgrade to El Capitan in fear that El Capitan will end up corrupting my older files.

Has anybody experienced any problems using El Capitan with FileMaker Pro 11?

I would appreciate hearing about your experiences..



Edited by Lee Smith
changed some typos
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Me too, one of my old computers is slowly dying and I have been moving, slowly, towards Mac Minis. I have to buy a new one soon and would like to know if FM Pro 11 works fine with El Capitan (On a side note, I wonder why Apple moved away from felines to a park name and then to "The Captain" in Spanish )

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Hi Carlos,

I posted this on [email protected] yesterday, and the responses were interesting.

I have done some conversion work using FM 11 on the same machine and did not experience any problems doing so. -  Hans

I fear losing the stability of my development environment to move forward. I will not move to El Cappo yet myself.- Jonn
Another issue is Plug-ins. Make sure they are up to date. Older versions can cause FMP to crash on application close.
Make sure you've removed the old ones form all the FMP plugin locations. - Jimmy

Interestingly, FMPA 11 works great on this machine, which is a new Mac Pro, 64GB of RAM, El Cap…I use Yosemite or older on all server machines (for FMS 11 I use 10.8.5). - Bob

I will not move to El Cappo yet myself.

A couple of recommendations came out, if you are going to upgrade to 14.

Be sure that your fonts are compatible with El Capitan - BruceR

Be sure your plugins are compatible with El Capitan

1 hour ago, carlosnorvik said:

(On a side note, I wonder why Apple moved away from felines to a park name and then to "The Captain" in Spanish )

If you watched the Apples’ Developer Conference where they introduced El Capitan, they kind of explain this. 

I think it was that they ran out of Big Cat Names?  Don’t forget that they tried Maverick before Yosemite. I think it would have been fun how they would have continue that line of naming. (Stud, Mare, Colt, Steed, Pinto,  Arab, Quarter, etc?

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On December 14, 2015 at 10:35 AM, Lee Smith said:

Has anybody experienced any problems using El Capitan with FileMaker Pro 11?

Hi Lee,

Unfortunately yes and I've mentioned it in a few posts recently but only as my frustration when working in v11 files.  When working in the graph, the table occurrences disappear when you attempt to drag ( or even select ) a table occurrence.  And when selecting objects on a layout, they too disappear sometimes never to reappear until one goes to browse then back to layout modes.

Those are the only two issues I've noticed although I haven't performed extensive work on 11 files with El Capitan yet so YMMV.  My biggest frustration is the lack of developer tools in 11.  I find that almost intolerable to go backwards that far and give up field picker, script workspace and the many changes between 11 and 14.  But I personally have my own business databases still in 11 and if changes aren't required (  as in the case of these files ), they have worked flawlessly for me and have never crashed.

As for conversion, how is it time consuming, if I may ask?  AFAIK, it is simply dragging the 11 file to 14.  I have done that with many files and THEY have all worked fine since I upgraded to 14.0v4.  Prior to 14.0v4, I crashed ALL FM files frequently with El Capitan.  :-/  But now everything is very stable.  Like you, I was hesitating when to upgrade.  In all, it was good decision for us.

1 hour ago, carlosnorvik said:

On a side note, I wonder why Apple moved away from felines to a park name and then to "The Captain" in Spanish )

I've climbed El Capitan.  It deserves to have 'anything Apple' named after it.  Both are elegant and gorgeous.

I have had no issues with version 12 or 13 with El Capitan at all, not since 14.0v4.  Prior, there were frequent crashes.

Edited by LaRetta
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4 hours ago, Lee Smith said:

Don’t forget that they tried Maverick before Yosemite. I think it would have been fun how they would have continue that line of naming. (Stud, Mare, Colt, Steed, Pinto,  Arab, Quarter, etc?

They did continue that line. It's based on places in California. Mavericks (not Maverick) is one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mavericks,_California

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Interesting, never gave it a thought. When they work, it’s no big deal, when they don’t like El Capitan, then they get noticed. So, what is your experienced regarding this Thread?

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Thanks for your replies, no development will be done on that PC, it will be only for a user, so I guess I'll give it a try.

My end users ae happier with Mac OS that with Windows

Additionally here in the "tropics" using MS can be frustrating, since there is quite a bit of  piracy, MS hires a Florida based verification company that keeps on calling and mailing, asking companies to fill formats indicating all licences we have, etc. I don't have the time to do it, so I just reply sorry, I have all licences in order but I don't have the time to fill your forms.

I will love the day when I can answer, "no MS stuff here".

Best regards and all the best for Christmas and 2016.


Apple names: OK, now I get it it, I found El Capitan on Wikipedia  (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Capitan)

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This may be due to the fact that I am testing FileMaker Pro 11 on an El Capitan virtual machine (like many, I'm still hesitant to run it on a production machine), but here's one issue I've noticed:

If an object has a tooltip containing more than a dozen characters, only a small portion of the tooltip will display. 

It may not be a crucial issue for most applications, but if you happen to take a more minimalist approach to your layout designs, icons, links and buttons that use tooltips may become more confusing for users, especially if they are using the FileMaker solution for the first time.

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