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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Copy & Paste enters record number instead of data


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Hi everyone,

We're having an issue when we do a copy and paste, whether between layouts or to an external program, that means the record number is pasted rather than the data in the field from said record.

This is happening more often than not, but of course it will occasionally paste correctly - just to add to the frustration.

I've had a bit of a look around but can't find anything on the forums.

Any ideas about why this is happening and what can be done to fix it?



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Jenni mentioned an external program in which case set field/var can't replace copy/paste. Jenni, can you detail the sequence of events for us? Are you able to consistently reproduce the problem, or notice any kind of pattern as to when it succeeds or fails? Can you tell us a little more about your setup -- using FileMaker server or not, etc?

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11 minutes ago, JenniSTM said:

that means the record number is pasted rather than the data in the field from said record.

I don't think that's possible. When you copy, you copy either the active selection from the active field (provided something is selected), or - if no field is active - the contents of all fields of the current record present on the current layout.

Perhaps you have the record number on the clipboard from some previous action.  Then, if the cursor is in a field with nothing selected, the Copy command does nothing and the existing clipboard remains.

If you want to have a consistent result, it would be best to script the action (including the selection of the contents to be copied). And, as Lee mentioned, you should restrict copy to moving data to external applications (even then a better method may exist), and use other methods when staying within the solution.

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Hi guys,

Thanks for your input.

We do it for simple stuff like copying an email address from a Contacts layout to Outlook or for copying an address to a Notes field on an Invoice (where the delivery address is different to the payer's address.

Hope this helps clarify things,


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Are you just copying the email address or is there other text involved?

Do you have a script that is running in tandem in some sort of creating a new record?

Can you recreate this in a different file?


external program, that means the record number is pasted rather

Are you talking about the record Id, or a serial number?

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This topic is 3161 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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