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Email template from dashbaord

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I have a global email template field on dashboard like:

"Please find purchase order #<<PO Number>> attached. Please note we require these goods on or before <<ETA>>, if you can not meet this time please contact <<Production Manager>> as soon as possible."

Now I am in Purchase order table (Layout) and I brought this above field from dashboard. How will I change PO Number from current record and ETA, production manager from current record of purchase order table. Should I use substitute? Can I use substitute and change more than one fields text? Slightly confused. Please help.



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You are using "merge fields" which take the pattern of <<table_occurance::fieldname>>

You would need to add something like <<purchase_order::PO Number>> or <<purchase_order::ETA>> or <<purchase_order::Production Manager>>  or use the appropriate related table occurrence where ever the field are located.

or create a calculation that results as text and use:

"Please find purchase order #" & table::PO Number & " attached. Please note we require these goods on or before " & table::ETA & ", if you can not meet this time please contact " & table::Production Manager " as soon as possible."



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First of all thank you for your reply.

I have text written on Dashboard in a global field. When I open the purchase layout and call that global field in Purchase order layout, i don't have than option to write table::po number. I a sorry if I am confusing you. But I am not writing " please find purchase order# .... " in purchase order layout. I hope I could be able to explain this time :)

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3 hours ago, Ocean West said:

Don't put that text into a global field you would put that text directly on the layout. 

That would be good for printing, not for e-mailing the result (as text). And it wouldn't let users modify the message text ad hoc - which seems like something they want to allow (otherwise why put it in a global field).


7 hours ago, Tusif Ahmad said:

Should I use substitute? Can I use substitute and change more than one fields text?

Yes. The Substitute() function supports up 999 pairs of search/replace strings (see the help).


7 hours ago, Tusif Ahmad said:

I have a global email template field

Is that a good idea? Any changes a user makes will be lost at the end of a session, and if you clone the file the contents will be lost altogether.



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