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Error unmarshalling return; nested exception is: java.io.EOFException

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Halfway through a Reset Sync the sync stopped with an "Error: java.io.EOFException" in the status area.

Upon retrying and restarting MirrorSync, every action results in the "error unmarshalling return" error shown below. I can't create any new syncs.

Redownloaded the config client but still the same error. Is there somewhere I can go to delete all config client related files and start over?

Screen Shot 2016-08-03 at 3.20.59 PM.jpg


I had set up a sync and everything went fine, syncing 100,000 records.

I then modified the the Customization script in FM to constrain found records to some 2000. I then right-clicked my sync and made it Reset Sync Data, hoping it would get rid of the excesses.

MirrorSync spent some time deleting records before crashing with the error message "java.io.EOFException".

Sent a log report.

Trying the MirrorSync config client from another computer resulted in the same error. I am going to uninstall and reinstall MirrorSync now.

Edited by Roger Tuan
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Hi Roger - sorry I was not able to respond sooner. It sounds like the MirrorSync application may have run out of memory. This can be fixed by going to /Library/360Works/360Works Admin.jar (on Mac) or C:\Program Files\360Works\360Works Admin.jar (on Windows) and stopping and starting Tomcat.

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This topic is 2913 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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