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Copy Relationship?


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I have a solution with 4 Databases. There is the main-data-database on a Filemaker Server (only data, no relationships in the Table-Occurences (TOs)) and a GUI Database on the Desktop (only Layouts, TO's are included from the Server-Database and on this TO's the relationships are defined, so I can use them in the Layouts. Than I have a 3rd database, which is a subset of the server database and lies on an iPad. This 2 data-databases will be synchronised by MirrorSync. And the 4th Database is a special GUI Database on the iPad which uses the 3rd database for Data. The iPad GUI Database also holds TO's with relationships.

Now, I need a custom privilege set to forbid changes and deletions of records when they are marked as Locked. To see all tables in the privilege dialogs, I can only do this in my data-databases, because in the GUI databases I can't see the tables in the dialogs. But in the data-databases I have no relationships defined, so I can't use related tables in the formulas. Now I have to add these relationships also to the data-databases. Is there a simple way to "copy" them from one database to an other?

Thanks, Hans

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