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Hide object based on name

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Hi everyone,

I have 3 objects on a layout. I want to hide two, when their name is not in a global variable, aka they are not needed to show. Wrecking my head but can't find a way to do this, because I can't seem to get the name of the button from the button.

Any ideas?



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1. Did you give the buttons names?

2. Are you hoping for a script param option that sends "the name of me" as a script parameter?

Seems like item 2 should exist; but it doesn't.

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Yes, Bruce, I gave them names. I also sent the parameter.

Yes, that is what I was aiming for, Lee. I just didn't think the Self function would work for some reason. <-- Brain-freeze

Now I only have one issue, the button gets selected (blue highlight frame), so I have to have a commit afterwards, and that's a little annoying. I'll go back to what I did before when I didn't have this issue, since I used a slider. :-)

Thanks, guys! Appreciate the answers. Happy Thanksgiving!



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This topic is 2802 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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