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Insurors page blank!

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Hello all,

When I go to insurors off the main menu it gives me the screen that you see in the insurorsfm.jpeg attached. I know the data is there because it shows up for other peoples computers. Also if I go to Leases and look under Insurance info it gives me that drop down list and all the insurance companies are there.

As you can see in insurorsfm.jpeg the other tabs are blank. But they actually do go where they are supposed to. As you can see in bankfm.jpeg everything fills in when I click on the banks tab.

Its pretty weird stuff.

Anyone seen this before? I really hope so.

Thanks for any help,




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FileMaker 8 includes Tabs that you can place on a layout... FileMaker 7 did not.

These are more than likely text placed on the layout (in layout mode) that have been accidently deleted.


Text or images in global repeating container or text fields and the field contents have been deleted. (either by a person, a rogue script or correpted data)

It could be a million other things ... best to contact your developer (the person who built your solution).

Edited by Guest
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This topic is 6532 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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