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Deactivate pre-release FMP9A?

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I just bought the FMP 9 Advanced upgrade since my pre-relase version expired. Before starting the installing process I wanted to know if I need to deactivate my pre-release version, or unisntall it, or any other considerations (Mac OS X). Thanks!

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It wouldn't hurt to deactivate it, although it shouldn't matter because it's presumably a separate serial number. You should definitely uninstall it.

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Thank you Fitch. I couldn't deactivate (since it already expired, it opens, shows the message and then it closes). In any case, I just deleted the folder, because the disk image didn't give me an option to uninstall. I installed the new one and it works fine.

Just one strange thing: it didn't install the files it in the "Applications" folder, it did in the root so I had to move the folder ... ?

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