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Crazy Slow

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I've got a very small database (1000 records or so) with about 50 scripts. In list view, when I move from record to record I get an hour glass with each move time. Likewise the running of any script. I'm mean its wicked slow. I'm running on a dual boot machine, xp on both sides, but I haven't upgraded one side to 9 from 8.5. On the 8.5 side its as fast as a scalded dog. Anyone else having this problem? Any help appreciated.

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no...only 35 fields, no heavy duty calculations. I posted here because I thought it might be something in 9 - when running the same database in 8.5 its pretty snappy. Thanks for your reply tango - all help appreciated

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This topic is 6137 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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