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Funny messages appearing in system.log


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Hi all.

Anyone knows what the following endlessly repeating messages appearing in system.log in 10.11.1/FM Server 14.0.4 may mean?

fmserverd[595]: LaunchServices: Database mapping failed with result -10822, retrying
fmserverd[595]: LaunchServices: received XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED trying to map database

I get about 13 of those repeating in bursts every minute.

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No other problems in daily operations as of yet and the files seem to be fine. There are various reports of this problem around (not related to FileMaker) but there's no clear understanding of what exactly the cryptic error message means.

Oh well, perhaps it's time to set debug level to 11 for LaunchServices.

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I don' think the two have anything to do with each other.  Kindly start a new thread on the trouble you have deploying.  FMS keeps a deployment log so tell us (in the new thread) what it says and what kind of errors you are getting.

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