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Can I make a layout containing a card and a list simultaneously from the same table??


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I was wondering if it is possible with FileMaker Pro Adnvanced (12 my version) to create a layout containing a list and a card (details view displaying a whole record) in the same layout, i.e.:

- on the left side, see a list of all records (and a scrollbar maybe)

- if I click on a line, in the right column, a details view is shown to edit the details.

It does not work with the referenced records tool - they are not records from other tables, but the same table.

(and sorry for maybe some odd words - I have the German version and I am not sure about the correct English ones)


Does that work? Many thanks for your help,


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You could use a portal showing records from another occurrence of the same table, based on a relationship using the x relational operator (i.e showing all records).

Another option is to place the "detail" fields in the header or the footer of a List layout.

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