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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Is this a Filemaker Problem....


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For sometime now, and only in Filemaker, my printer is unable to print the numbers 2, 3, 4 and sometimes 5. Instead I just get a square. This only happens intermittently. For instance it might print the number 22 and only the second 2 comes out as a square.

Has anyone heard of anything like this? I print using an Epson Acu Laser C1100n This problem does not happen with any other application and I have tried several different Fonts in Filemaker.

Very annoying.

Thanks for any help


Craig Stewart

PS, this has been happening using FM pro advanced (8.5) and before that in a runtime program that was developed in version 8

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It could be a OS, Printer, or Font problem.

You might check these things.

What do the numbers look like Preview Mode?

Is the Font Installed that you are using?

[tab](Finder > Applications > Font Book)

Is the Page Margin within the Printers limits?

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Hi Lee

Thanks for your suggestions. I have looked at these things and see no reason for the result that I am getting. The Font is Times and does show up in the font book, The numbers all appear in the preview mode and the page is set to A4 which is the size that we use, the layout is within that size (21.0x29.7cm) to top it off, it is set to print at 95% but I know that there have been times when this has not been set that way, and it still happens.

At the moment I am using a large font (144pt) but this has also happend with normal sizes as well, and I think that last year when this first started, it happend with a few letters as well (font in that case was ariel) , but so far this time, it has been numbers only. I too thought that it is a OS thing, but it only happens in FM, so that is why I am asking here.

Thanks for your help


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Times is one of those fonts that everyone has makes one. That and Helvetica have cause me some problems when I have had a couple of different manufactures on my computer (ususally installed behind my back).

What font, if any, does it show in the Text Formatting Tool, when you highlight field in layout mode.



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