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Help with calculation

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Hi All,

I am new into calculation, I am wonder if someone can give me an idea how should I write this calculation

If country equal USA

Perform the following calculation

If the price is between 1 to 50 it cost 6.50

If the price is between 51 to 150 it cost 10.00

If the price is more than 151 it cost 15.00

Otherwise if country equal other

Perform the following calculation

If the price is between 1 to 50 it cost 15.00

If the price is between 51 to 150 it cost 20.00

If the price is more than 151 it cost 25.00

Thank you, any help will be appreciated.

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Thank you for the help, but it didn't work for what I was trying to do maybe I was not very clear because what I am trying to do is to find the record in a portal

with the Code_ID “ABC”, “CDE” and “FEG” and do the calculation of the quantity number found on (A1+A2+A3) * 8.00

any idea. thank you in advance

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This topic is 6514 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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