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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

Invoice Approach/Method


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I have an Invoice file and a line items file for items/goods sold, would it be wise to use the same "items" file for recording payments as well. If I keep all purchases and payments with in the same file I can create a Statement type invoice. or should I have a seperate file for payments?

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I wouldn't use the invoice file to record payments. That approach may allow you to deal with partial payments of invoices, but what about payments that are split across multiple invoices. I would add a Payments file to hold the details of the payment (check no., date, etc.) and a join file with the invoice file to allow allocation of payments across multiple invoices. The structural problem is that Invoices and Payments have a many to many relationship. -bd

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This topic is 8635 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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