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Email Plugin not registering correct

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Hi there,

we are having some serious trouble with the registration of the plugin in Version 2.12 and 2.14. We are using an enterprise licence for several years know (started with version 1.X, upgraded to version 2 some months ago) and everything worked fine with version 1.X. The Server is running filemaker server advanced 12 with all updates, java version 7.75 installed. 90% of our staff is working via iwp, never had any problems here with the plugin in version 1.X.

Today we took a look in our databases and found several errors with registering the plugin. The message looks like this "An error occurred: DEMO mode expired! (16) You can continue to...."

We checked the licence-key for version 2 (we got a new key after the upgrade from version 1), everything ok here

The plugin is working sporadic so that most of the emails are sent but many are not. We did not change anything in our database for the last several years regarding the plugin or the functions of the plugin. With version 1.X we never had problems like this and it seems that the problem is present since the day we switched to version 2.X. It seems like the plugin forgets it's registration and thinks that it is in demo mode.

Example: From three emails one and three are sent, the second one is not. No restart of server, services e.g. between these mails, the plugin seems to be wonly working sporadic. Registration e.g. gets called every time a email has to send so the registration can no be an issue (this was working for several years now, never had a problem with this in version 1.X).

We have different solutions/databases which use the plugin and the error is appearing in every one of them.

The plugin is absolutely crucial for our business and at this point we are having a hard time dealing with customers and employees because of missing emails.

Is somebody having the problem with the problem ? Any clue how to solve this ?

Thanks in advance !

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Short update,

we changed the plugin back to version 1.99, problem is still present. I think it could be a issue with java 7.75. We try to go back to version 7.45 this evening.

Has someone a clue which version is the highest that is compatible with the plugin at this point (we are running windows 2008 64bit) ?

In the changelog I can see that version 7.45 ist supported from version 2.0 on but the entry is two years old, I don't understand why 360works isn't publishing this information with every new version of the plugin.

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changed the java version back to 7.45 (Fm Server 12 advanced is 64bit so we have the 64bit and 32bit versions installed). The problem is still present. We tried both versions of the plugin (1.99 and 2.14) with Java 7.45, which should be working since version 2 of the plugin without success.

From 27 emails in the last 4 hours seven couldn't get send. Error is stil the same:

An error occurred: DEMO mode expired! (16) You can continue to run in demo mode by restarting FileMaker, or you can register with a valid license key from http://www.360works.com.

We didn't restart the server or filemaker because the plugin works most of the time with our licence key. The registration get's called every time a e-mail has to be sent so we call the registration in very short time periods.

As I said before, we have a valid licence key for the enterprise licence and we use the problem for over 5 years from now on, we never had a problem like this. We cahnged to version two 2 1/2 months ago and since then we have a problem with the registration.

Maybe someone from 360works can give me a quick reply if there are any changes in the registration process of the plugin. Are there any konwn bugs at this point. I have over 30 employees in my company which use the plugin and that this point some of them literally have to stop working.

We really need help over here

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Hi Hirsma,

I believe I responded to you through our support system a few hours ago. If this is not the case, can you send your logs to [email protected] with a link to this forum thread? Logs can be found here "C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Logs" . Go ahead and compress the entire "Logs" folder and send them in. Please be sure to replicate the issue without any restarts of FileMaker.

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Hi Hirsma,

I believe I responded to you through our support system a few hours ago. If this is not the case, can you send your logs to [email protected] with a link to this forum thread? Logs can be found here "C:\Program Files\FileMaker\FileMaker Server\Logs" . Go ahead and compress the entire "Logs" folder and send them in. Please be sure to replicate the issue without any restarts of FileMaker.


thank's for the reply, got your email. I will check tommorow what we can do regarding the logs (we restarted our server an filemaker several times so I'm not sure how much we we can see there).

At this point we "fixed" the issue by looping the registration until the plugin works. I don't think that this is the best way to solve problem but we had to find a quick fix for us to get our workin enviroment back on track.

I saw in the changelog of the plugin that there are changes made concerning the registration in plugin version 2.14. Are you sure that this is working ?

We tried the following combinations of plugins and java for the last three days and the problem came up with every combination.

Plugin v. 1.99 with Java 7.25 / 7.45 / 7.55 / 7.75

Plugin v. 2.12 with Java 7.25 / 7.45 / 7.55 / 7.75

Plugin v. 2.14 with Java 7.25 / 7.45 / 7.55 / 7.75

As I said, we had the problem with every of this combinations. In older version like 1.78 we had no problem regarding the registration (worked without problems on FM server advanced version 11 & 12).

By the way, which java version is supported by the plugin. The last entry I could find in the changelog was version 7.45 I think. Filemaker says the the current supported version is 7.75. So, does the plugin work with v. 7.75 ?

Thank's again for the reply, I will see what we can do about the logfiles and I will get back to you via eMail.


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The registration issue should not be related to the Java version but the plugin works fine with Java 7 or Java 8. 

As far as the registration changes in 2.14, we had a bug introduced in version 2.13 where the plugin would register and then go back in demo mode. What you are reporting sounds a lot like this bug but I have had several others report that 2.14 fixed this bug. You may be running into something new but I wont be able to investigate it further without seeing the logs. I will keep an eye out for your email

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