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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

European FMP Support needed - April-June 2016


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We operate a FileMaker-based event registration system that communicates with a SQL back end. Our customer will be using it for two demo tours they are running, 1 in France and 1 in Germany. Both tours run from April 2016 – June 2016. They have their events on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and we are looking for help providing on-call phone support during their European hours of operation. I don’t have their exact event schedule yet, but each tour will have 8-10 stops – occupying most weekends April - June.

The tour staff speaks English. Preregistration records are downloaded from the SQL back end before the team departs from their hotel for the day. On site, they connect the (PC) laptop which hosts the FM12 database to a wireless router. They connect up to 6 iPads to the wireless router and open the FM database using FM Go.

If they’re going to have trouble, it’s usually at the start of the day – not a great time for a US-based company to support a European client. And it’s usually at the start of the tour, while they work on getting the routine down.

If this is something that you or the company you work for could help us with, please send me an email combining my username here with the domain printcomm.com.



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