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Opening local FM file with an Import Script that needs a variable file name

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I am trying to open my (local) FM 14 Pro file [which has an auto-exec "Import Script"] but the script needs a variable file name.

How do I pass this variable file name into Filemaker at 1) the time of the file open or 2) at the time of running the script (if I switch to manual execution)?

Is #1 by using the fmp:// syntax from a web browser external to FM?  (or is that syntax just for use when invoked from INSIDE a FM file?)

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It's an Excel file in a folder.  File name and folder name may change each time.  Always known by me.

(To be clear - I may not have the import script auto-execute if I can't do #1.  I may just run the script manually if I can do #2 - however I want to operate this either way with a macro program (looping through different files in known locations).)

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3 hours ago, fm8443 said:

I am trying to open my (local) FM 14 Pro file [which has an auto-exec "Import Script"] but the script needs a variable file name.

I don't understand the basic situation here. You are trying to open your local FMP file from where? And where is the "variable file name" kept?

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@comment -- I will be using Keyboard Maestro. KM will generate each filename, folder name and initiate FM (or FM Script) for each iteration -- hopefully passing these variables into FM (on file open) or FM Script.  KM will loop through multiple iterations. 

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4 minutes ago, fm8443 said:

I will be using Keyboard Maestro.

I am afraid I am not familiar with Keyboard Maestro. IIUC, it's a keystroke macro utility. If so, your question could be posed as: can I run an import script and type in the path to the source file at runtime? I don't think that's possible directly - but perhaps you might have the script open a custom dialog with a global input field where the macro could type in the path. Then set a variable to the contents of the global field and use it in the import script.

Caveat: thoroughly untested, written entirely off the top of my head.

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I've got it partially to work but have hit syntax error/s:

From my Safari URL Box I run:


This does startup my FM 14 Pro data file and starts to run the MAIN_Add_ADP_Report_All_Steps script.  This script is:

set variable [$adp_report ; Value: Get ( ScriptParameter ) ] 
Import Records [Source: "$adp_report" ; Worksheet: "" ; Add; Mac Roman ] 

This script fails (when trying to do the "Import Records" step presumably) with error message:

"The file "$adp_report" could not be found and is required to complete the operation".

Am I getting the syntax wrong for the &param part of the FMP:// command?  
Or using Get ScriptParameter incorrectly to set the Excel filename variable $adp_report ?

[ I have also tried the fmp:// command without the double quotes on the param= part........to no effect. I get exactly the same error as described. ]


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As-is, I can't (?) turn Script Debugger on because I'm initiating everything externally from the fmp:// url

But if I take the param= part and simply copy the string:

into the "Import File" box (replacing the variable $adp_report ) then the command & script works!

I don't understand why my param= part is not setting the script parameter which should be setting the $adp_report variable.

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Try running the URL with the file already open, and the Script Debugger turned on.

Or temporarily make the variable $$adp_report, so you can check it's value in the Data Viewer afterwards.

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1) I did this:  "Try running the URL with the file already open, and the Script Debugger turned on."

I get the error message before seeing anything in Script Debugger's "Current" Window.  
Seems like $adp_report is not getting passed the param / is not being set.

2) I changed the variable to $$adp_report twice in the script which is now:

set variable [$$adp_report ; Value: Get ( ScriptParameter ) ] 
Import Records [Source: "$$adp_report" ; Worksheet: "" ; Add; Mac Roman ] 

No effect. Got exactly same result in Script Debugger's "Current" Window etc.

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UPDATE:  Think I've found the problem:

I had a sub-script called IMPORT EXCEL called by my Top Script (MAIN_Add_ADP_Report_All_Steps).

My 2 script steps:

set variable [$$adp_report ; Value: Get ( ScriptParameter ) ] 
Import Records [Source: "$$adp_report" ; Worksheet: "" ; Add; Mac Roman ] 

were in the wrong script.  I moved them into the top-level script and out of the IMPORT EXCEL sub-script and it now appears to work....

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