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I'm currently using the built in webcompanion for instant web publishing, but I certainly has some limitations.

What exactly can you do with custom that you cannot do with instant? I wanna know, before I buy the developer version - which is nescesarry, right??

What I wanna do is:

A person creates a new record: a new advertisement.

This advertisement consists of several different products: size, number of colors, placement etc.

Each of theese products has a serial number, which should be enterede in a related database.

So, i have the master database, advertisements, which relates to several products in the related database, products.

Is it possible to enter the add-info AND x number of products on one page, or should you create a new layout in the products database??


  • 2 months later...

Can someone point me in the right direction for custom web publishing documentation? All of the FMP docs that I've found refer to instant web publishing only. So...

1) What things do I need to know for CWP (XML, CDML, HTML, etc.)?

2) Where can I find information on how to set up and execute custom web publishing?




I've attached a CDML Tool that will help you with your custom web publishing. This will pretty much give you all you need to know (In General) about using CDML.

You will need to know some HTML to use this tool successfully. Javascript experience would be helpful as well.

To set this up, you need (for PC) Windows NT, IIS or Netscape Web Server, the WSC (Webserver Connector) that comes with FMP Unlimited. Not sure what the Mac settings are... Brows throught the CDML Tool and it will help you. Examples are available in it as well in the "Help".




To get IWP up and running, you don't need IIS or WSC, nor even FMP Unlimited. Just open your databases in FMP, activate the Web Companion plugin and configure it for Instant, and you're done.

FMP will web-share your files with 10 IP numbers in a 24 hour period -- ideal for testing or small roll-outs. To serve to more than 10 IP numbers, get FMP Unlimited.

WSC is only necessary for load sharing or increased security.


Thanks Addam for the CMDL Tool and to you and Vaughan for the responses. I have already managed to start up Instant Web Publishing. However, my question was about custom web publishing.

I would like to find out what I need to do to make this happen, but I can't find where there is any documentation or examples. I'm happy to do my homework, I just can't find the textbook! I'm already fairly familiar with FMP (although not nearly as much as most of you, but I have used it since it was on my Mac SE), I know HTML, a little JavaScript, the CDML seems easy enough to incorporate, etc.

What I don't know is how to put it all together to provide CWP. What do I need to do in terms of FMP to set up Custom Web Publishing?

My second question is whether you all think this is the best way to go for me? I am setting this up on an intranet as a workflow management solution (job logging, etc.). We decided on this because then we only needed to buy one copy of FMP and could have it on up to 10 workstations. Does this seem like the best solution or is there another way that I have not considered?

Thanks again in adavance for any help.



Hi, Ken!


From the Web Companion config area, just select Custom Web Publishing, choose a starting index.html/default.html page you made yourself, and the security you want to implement. Then, set your db to be shared via WC and leave it running. You'll have to make your own web pages to interact with the db. FMP gives you a CDML reference db and CDML Tools to help. The basic structure is...

SEARCH PAGE. form, -db, -lay, -max, -format, -error

SEARCH RESULTS PAGE. FMP-record, FMP-field (w/ FMP-linkrecid)

DETAIL PAGE. FMP-field(s) of your record

You can also make -new and -edit pages (the latter requires -recid and FMP-currentrecid to work). You cannot display db data until the Web Companion is used, so if you want to DISPLAY data on your front page and not just INPUT, then you have to use a splash page or similar trick to have the Web Companion accessed/used first.

(2) FMP 1 for All

It is and isn't a good idea depending upon your situation and what your people need to do. I, for example, use FMP directly whenever possible even if I have a web interface for it... you have a lot more control and options, plus you can squeeze things on layouts a lot easier than on web pages (and control tab order eaiser, etc.). Simple searches with short lists is no problem on the web. If you can fit your form all into one standard sized web window, I don't think you'll have much trouble. Don't forget to restrict the IP addresses to your local network, though.

Have fun.


You will need webserver software like apache, IIS, Nestscape server etc.

Then you will need to install the WSC (Web Server Connecter), however I'm not sure if that's needed for apache.

You will need FileMaker Pro Unlimited.

*You can put this all on one box if you want...

Under Edit-->Preferences-->Application-->Plugins-->Webcompanion-->Configure, you want to set FMPU up to port 591 (easiest to do)... Turn Off the instant Web Publishing. Tell it to use the Web Security Database for the security (or you can use the FMP Access privilages).

Open the database you want to share. Make sure that the Web Companion is enabled on it. Find the Web Security database and move it into the "Web" Directory (if it isn't already there). Open the Web Security database.

Enter in the database name in the field labled "Database Name" EXACTLY as it is on your hard drive (include the .fp3,fp5, etc.). For starters under "User Name" put "All Users" and enable everything (you can change it as you go along).

Once you've done that, you need to create an HTML page using some CDML (if you haven't already).

You can get to the page by using a url that looks similar to this:

IPAddress]http://IPAddress :591/FMPro?-db= Database Name.fp5&-format= HTML/CDML Page .html&-FindAny

**The "FindAny" will just grab a record from your database...

This should work. I don't think I've left out anything.

I'm sure someone else will add/correct me... but this is basically how to set it up.

Hope this helps!



Addam's info is pretty much correct if you're using an integrated solution with WSC and the Web Security Database, but Anatoli and Vaughan are correct that you probably only need FMP for your basic system.

Note, however, that you probably DO NOT need to move your Web Security Database to your WEB FOLDER. In fact, usually it's a good idea never to move any of your db's into the WEB folder unless you need to open/close them w/CDML (FMP recommends this in their Security PDF that comes with the security db's). Just have your db's open in FileMaker Pro from anywhere on your computer and they should work fine... location is not important.

Good luck!

This topic is 8107 days old. Please don't post here. Open a new topic instead.

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