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Claris Engage 2025 - March 25-26 Austin Texas ×

data entry and web publishing


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I've read up on the posts I could find regarding instant web publishing and entry into a portal. I have a database file that needs to be published via the web and needs to be resticted to the "data entry only" option. Needless to say this will not work. Some posters have mentioned work arounds for this problem. If anyone could elaborate on them here I would be greatful. I have a moderate knowledge of filemaker and html.

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Hi, you can't get conditional value lists to work at all through a web interface! There are a number of workrounds, including preloading the options and using JavaScript, and some CDML solutions that look and function like a conditional list.

Try searching the web forums for 'conditional list' for the workaround suggestions. Each method requires a post action to get the next level of data, but with a bit of imagination you can make it look like a feature smirk.gif

regards, jeff

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