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Im really new to the WEB part of Filemaker so im in need of help.

In I couple of days I manage to learn some CDML and got my own HTML code that worked with my WEB COMPAIONG plug in perfectly. I could add, search deleat etc. Every thing cool.

Now, ive been reading that this way isnt the best when you want to share 1 database with a number of user because only 1 could use it at a time so a friend gave me Filemaker Server to check it out.

I installed it and though it was going to be like another plug in but I didnt see anything diferent. I ran a DOS command to start the server...ok....i went to filemaker and press OPEN HOST....ok... I see 3 databases with stadistics.

I copy my database to the Filemaker Server Folder and now I see my database in those stadistics.

The thing is that when I run the html page and do something it says database not open... Do I have to open the database or what ive done so far is enogh?

Do I have to change the -db CDML commnad? to something else?

Do I have to disable WEB PUSBLISH plugin?

If I open the database like i used to do with the other plugin it works but i dont think thats the right way because the stadistics dont work that way.

Can anyone explainme some quick steps on seting this #@$@#$ up?




You've got a bit confused over your different FileMaker products I think. I'll try and clear it up.

FileMaker Server -

Serves databases to users using FileMaker Pro

FileMaker Pro -

Used to open databases locally or databases that are stored on the computer running FileMaker Server.

Can also be used to serve databases to the Internet with a maximum of 10 users connecting in any 24 hour period.

FileMaker Unlimited

The same as FileMaker Pro but no limit on the number of users connecting.

I am not sure where you read that when writing CDML and HTML only 1 user can use it but that is wrong, the way you started with was fine.

FileMaker Server cannot serve files over the internet. What you would need to do in this case was to have the database running in FileMaker Server, then open the database from the Host on a client computer running FileMaker Pro or Unlimited. This client computer can then host the database over the web.

Hope this makes things a bit clearer for you.



Awsome reply, thank you. Just a couple of things.

Im using FM Developer, I think it dosent have a connection limit either, so whats the big diference in internet service with Unlimited?. Does Unlimited offer some Stadistics about the transactions made in the web?

My concern is about using the same database from the web at the same time with other person. What happens if im running a script and in the middle of it someone else run other that affects mine???

SHould I develop on CDML or should I start learning something else like XML? Im new so I dont want to waste time with something that wont help.

Thanks again



I don't think you are using FM Developer? You do not create databases in FileMaker developer, this is used to turn your databases into runtime solutions.

I think you are using FileMaker Pro.

So my above post will answer your question about the difference in connection limit. - Pro = max of 10 users(IP addresses) per 24 hrs, Unlimited = no limit

As far as I know - but I may be wrong - you cannot get statistics about connections made to a database over the web. I have never come accross this feature, but there again I've never looked for this feature.

Do not worry about 2 users using the database at the same time, FileMaker handles this for you.

CDML/XML question - depends on what you are trying to do. To connect to a database over the web and perform finds, add records, delete records etc etc, this will all be done using CDML.

Just a warning though, have a look through the forum for posts about running scripts over the web, most developers warn against running scripts over the web as mentioned in your post, I won't go into detail on this as there is plenty of info already in this forum on this subject.



Im using Filemaker Developer. Developer consists in a Filemaker PRO with some modifications, like an integrated script degugger and olso a stand alone part that makes the runtime solutions.


OK sorry, I have never used this, so I have learnt something new, I thought it just created runtime solutions! (which I have had no reason to do as yet - all my solutions to date have been to use over a network connecting to a host)

I should imagine though it would have the same limits as FileMaker Pro, otherwise there would be no point in FileMaker Unlimited. Maybe someone else will clarify this for you.



Yep, FM Developer is just FMPro with extra tools. It does NOT achieve FM Unlimited capability.


FM Developer Web Companion has the same limit as FM Client. Usually 10 different IP# per 12 hour period.

FileMaker Unlimited and FileMaker Client are identical, what makes the difference is the installation code + the addition of WSC (load balancing plug-in for apache) in the Unlimited package.

Eddy, FM Developers Script debugging and solution documentation abilities make it invaluable, even though you don't need the runtimes. It also is necessary whenever you rename files in complex solutions, or you want to remove the developer password from (a copy of) your network solution to protect your intellectual property.


Thanks for the tips Christian.

I do have a copy of Developer but have never used it, as I said I thought it just created Runtimes.

I'd better start using it on my solutions!

I've had a look at it and can see how to rename files/update links, use custom menus etc, but which option does the script debugger come under?

I have a copy of Developer 5 on Win if that makes a difference.



In your FileMaker developer folder should be 2 applications:

C:ProgramsFileMakerFileMaker Developer5.xFileMakerDeveloper.exe (or just FileMaker.exe)

and in the "FileMaker Developer Tool" folder:

FileMaker Developer Tool.exe + a folder with runtime files

(filenames can be different, just guessed them from mac 6.0 german) Exact descriptions can be found @ www.filemaker.com/downloads

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